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I swear I've opened this app at 9:40 so that I'll add tags in both chapters for 20 minutes and update correctly at 10:00. But as soon as I opened the app I saw someone voting on all chapters from twisted and I've thought of reading one chapter of that story and read a few chapters, I forgot about this completely 🥲 I'm so sorry.


Thank you for commenting on the last chapter ❤️

'Mahi are you alright?' yuvi rushed to him and cupped his face while Vi and Ro untied him regretting their actions.

Virat thought maybe he should have confided in his Mahi Bhai and Rohit so that they wouldn't do such a thing for his sake.

Rohit thought maybe he should have trusted Mahi Bhai when he said that she could be blackmailing him and was more careful with the entire situation.

'We should call an ambulance, he's not waking up.' Sachin pa's eyes welled up with tears which needed no longer than a minute to stream down.

'He's going to be alright. Nothing is going to happen to our Mahi.' Jammy Bhai pacified him, and probably also himself.

'The cops are going to be here, I've informed them.' Zak pa told them.

'So will be the Ambulance. It's going to be alright.' Bhajji said.

All of them kept muttering that Mahi will be alright, more to comfort themselves rather than the others.

'Are you all really here?' they heard him talk and immediately wiped their tears and rushed to him.

'Yes Mahi, we are here and nothing has happened to you and the police will be here soon. They'll take care of them. It's all going to be alright.' Yuvi pa comforted him, while giving his best shot at trying to control his tears.

'Don't cry, save them for when I'll be dead.' Mahi Bhai tried joking only to be slapped lightly by him.

'Don't you dare talk about that. Also what's with all this? I was away for a couple of days and this is what you've gotten yourself into. And you keep saying that I'm a wild child. What should you be called then?' Yuvi questioned him.

'It's all my mistake. I should have been more careful.' Ro apologized.

'No, I shouldn't have hid it from you guys. If I confided in both of you then you wouldn't be so worried about my relation and you would have definitely not taken this step.' it was Vi's turn to put the blame upon himself.

'In that case, you are kids where as I'm a grown up who believed in her words when she said that Cheeku is injured and Ro brought him to her house. I knew Ro hates her, why would he bring him to her house? I was the foolish one here.' Mahi Bhai stated in a faint voice.

'Stop the blame game y'all. No one is at fault here. You all should have been more careful and had better presence of mind. But it's almost sorted now. We can go back to playing cricket now. So the minute we go back to our place, we'll forget this incident. Am I clear?' the former captain Jammy Bhai spoke and no one could go against his words.

'From now on, I won't be leaving you alone. Even if I'm forced to go somewhere, I'll appoint real bodyguards to look after you.' Yuvi pa sat on the bed and hugged him tightly.

'I hope the wetness on my shirt is because of your tears and not your nasal fluid.' Mahi Bhai lightly chuckled.

'I'm so pissed at you, so stop cracking stupid jokes.'

They heard the siren of the cops and Zak pa and Bhajji immediately went down to personally bring them into the apartment, while the rest have gone into the living room and hurled abuses at the two as it was their last chance. 

'You can't keep your mouth shut on the ground. Haven't you got any abuses to shower upon them?' Ro asked Vi who just hugged him in return.

He still hasn't really soaked in all the incidents that have happened behind him and what was happening right then. But the feeling of knowing that there was someone on the planet other than his family who took such a step for his sake was very overwhelming.

'I recall someone saying me to get away from them.' Ro teased him as he got super clingy.

'Right, you don't remember to carry our phones with you but you remember something that has happened days ago.' Vi taunted him, with his arms still draped around Ro.

'And if I didn't forget the phones in the hotel, we would have attended Bhai's calls and then this would have not happened.' Ro found another point to blame himself. 

'If you don't stop blaming yourself, I'll stop talking to you.' Vi warned him and smacked him lightly on his head.

'That would bring me so much peace, but no thanks, I prefer upheavel more.' he said with a smile that refused to leave his face.

'Please help me sir, they are trying to assult me.' their broke the hug and turned towards Isa to see her begin her drama as soon as the police walked in.

Her accomplice was showing light body movements but wasn't saying anything. Sachin pa was glad to see that his kiddos haven't murdered a guy, though he wouldn't have minded it, if not for the police and the law.

The senior cop quickly averted his gaze from her to Sachin pa and said, 'What has happened here sir? Against whom do you want to file a complaint?'

'Sir, I'm innocent, they are trapping me.' she let out a loud cry but no one chose to give her any attention.

Jammy Bhai had explained to them clearly on what all has happened and Rohit and Virat were asked to give their statements.

'You don't have to come to the police station, neither will the media get to know about this. Take Mahi sir back to the hotel and we'll deal with the rest.' The senior cop informed them.

The police have dragged Isa and her accomplice into their vehicle whereas the ambulance took Mahi Bhai to the hospital.

After getting an assurance from the doctor that he was completely alright and with a few medicines and good rest, he'll be fit in a day, they've returned back to the hotel.


The treat chapters are done now so see y'all on day after tomorrow (07/03/23, Friday)

Stay safe and happy ❤️

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