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Male God is Mine!! Chapter 1: wedge
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She was lying on the operating table without any strands, with tubes all over her body.

Liquid is constantly entering her body. Her skin is incredibly fair, the blood vessels under the skin are clearly visible, and her body is covered with horrible surgical scars, but it can be seen that she has a very good figure, an oval face, a small erect nose, and a very shaped lips. It looks good, like a petal, but it has no blood, only a light and surprising pink.

The eyes are closed tightly, there are no eyelashes, no eyebrows, and the head is shiny. No, it can't be said that it is shiny. There is no hair and a few tubes are stuck.

Standing next to the operating table was a white-haired man in a white coat, who looked 70 or 80 years old, with glasses, and a serious and crazy look.

She lived for 30 years. From the age of 5, she was adopted by Weiss, a perverted scientist, who is a crazy perverted scientist.

When taking samples in the orphanage 25 years ago, she discovered that she had a peculiar physique and very strong immunity, so she adopted her and named her experimental body number nine.

At first, she was very afraid of Weiss. She was very painful. Weiss used her body to do various experiments. In order not to affect the postoperative efficacy, Wes never gave her anesthetics. She felt that life was worse than death.

But because of his good physique, he survived every time.

She was called Experiment 9 because there were eight other experiments before her, but she hadn't seen them because they were all dead, some died of pain, and some died of a failed operation.

She was such a successful experiment. She was so successful that she persevered in every operation, and even became a habit. When the scalpel cut her body, her eyes would not blink.

When it succeeded, Weiss moved all her internal organs, and she was still alive and kicking.

It was so successful that Weiss had installed a sensor system in her brain and was absorbed by her.

Now Weiss is planning to change her human genes again. Weiss is operating the machine, his cloudy eyes are getting brighter, and the crazy color in his eyes is getting more and more obvious.

Soon! Soon! It is about to succeed, and when the genetic modification is successful, he will have everything!

"D-" The machine made a harsh sound, and Subject 9 on the bed began to twitch lightly all over the body. The twitching gradually strengthened, and the whole body trembled severely.

Her consciousness has always been clear, but her eyes could not be opened when the genetically modified fluid was injected. She clearly felt that when the fluid entered her body, her body repelled.

pain! It feels like the whole body is cracking from the inside to the outside. Then she felt her body no longer twitching, and her consciousness slowly blurred.

She is dying? Finally dying? Like relief, but also unwilling, she told Weiss that after the operation was successful, he would let her go out and live a free life.

Although she doesn't believe that Weiss can speak for words, she is too eager for the outside world. From the age of 5 to 30, she has been in this cold laboratory. She imagines going to school like Weiss’s granddaughter Millie. Go to fall in love, go to work, and get married.

Ah~ I’m going to die, hehe, Weiss must be very disappointed. After all, a person like her is not so easy to find. It was her. It took Weiss 20 years to find her. Now the operation has failed. He All of his efforts were wasted. Haha~ How does she feel so happy, so refreshing!

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