Raiders gang boss

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Male God is Mine!! Chapter 270: Raiders gang boss (1)
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"Enough! Stop talking! We only dated for half a year! I am your boyfriend, I am not your son! I don't want to find a mother for myself!"

A roaring male voice rang in his ears.

With tears in Tian Mi's eyes, the grievances in her heart were particularly strong.

Of course, this was not her own reaction, but the original reaction of this body.

Slightly surprised, this time he came here standing up.

"Why don't you speak?! You speak!" The man yelled impatiently when he saw Tian Mi didn't speak.

Tian Mi came back to her senses. Hearing what the man just yelled, it should be her boyfriend.

Tian Mi raised her eyes and looked at the man. He looked very good at the age of twenty-three or four. At this time, she was wearing a pair of shorts, **** her upper body, and there were hickey scratches on her chest and neck.

Tian Mi looked down at herself again. Her clothes were intact and she was not unwell. The passion with that man should not be his own body.

In other words, the boyfriend of the host, just caught the **** in bed?

He pursed his lips: "What do you want me to say?" Listening to the voice, Tian Mi knew that this body was weak again.嘤嘤嘤~ White lotus?

The man sneered: "You don't need to say anything, let's break up. Take out the key to my house and you can go." After speaking, the man opened his hand to her.

Tian Mi blinked, the key? She didn't know the key, and moved her right hand. Tian Mi lowered her head and found that she had a key in her hand.

"Get it!" If the man looked at her in his hand, frowning, he seemed to want her to leave immediately.

Tian Mi curled her lips, looked down on the ground, and walked to the corner of the wall. Raise your hand slightly and spread your fingers. The key fell down instantly, just in the trash can.

Turning his head to smile at the man: "Remember, I dumped you! The scumbag!" After speaking softly, Tian Mi lifted her foot and left the man's house.

Press the elevator to go downstairs and enter the elevator. Just now the elevator went down the first floor, and the elevator opened the door ding.

Tian Mi was shocked by the people standing at the elevator entrance. She was just wearing ordinary home clothes, but her momentum was not to be underestimated.

If it were in ancient times, then it was definitely a general-level person.

Can ordinary people have this aura?

The man walked in without slanting a glance at her, and then pressed the elevator.

The elevator space was too small. She had just arrived in an unfamiliar world, and she did not accept the plot and memory. She was really insecure.

And the feeling this man gave her was too dangerous.

But fortunately, her acting skills are outstanding. Although she is a little jealous, she is calm on the face.

Looking at himself from the reflection of the elevator, this body should be similar to the previous world, with height and facial features.

In fact, in every world, Tian Mi's body is not very different, but it makes her adapt easily.

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