Pseudo-human ghost love text

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Male God is Mine!! Chapter 12: Pseudo-human ghost love text (1)
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Wen Zeyu is a very special boy. He has yin and yang eyes since he was a child, but he doesn’t always have it, only at night. At dawn, he won’t see those who were afraid of fear at first. Slowly get used to, and finally ignore all kinds of Apiao.

He is used to this kind of life, and it doesn't even matter anymore. When he was a child, he would be afraid to go out and become autistic. Now he looks like an ordinary boy.

If nothing happens, his life has been planned. After graduating from college, he will go to work in the family business, and then inherit all the family property and marry a right wife.

Of course, accidents happen from time to time in life. Wen Zeyu encountered the biggest accident in his life in his sophomore year.

He still remembers that in the afternoon, he was alone in the library reading books, he likes to read history books. While in the library, he found a history book that attracted him very much.

He was fascinated, and when he came back to his senses, it was already night.

Closing the book, he pursed his lips. Put the book back in place, get up, and prepare to leave.

The library is very clean, the kind of clean, he didn't see A Piao. Raising an eyebrow, obviously a little surprised by this cleanliness. After all, even in his house, I can see so many Apiao every day.

Suddenly, a white figure flashed by. Wen Zeyu's eyes were gleaming, he ignored him and walked straight out of the library.

"Eh~your cellphone~" The voice was clear and beautiful, like a clear spring.

Looking back, she had a white skirt with mediocre features. The only thing that was amazing was her beautiful eyes and long hair that reached her waist. Well, there is also that beautiful voice, which is not as cold as A Piao's voice. She didn't wear shoes, and her feet were a certain distance from the ground. Seeing Wen Zeyu looking back at her, her eyes widened in surprise. Fingers trembled and pointed at Wen Zeyu: "" and pointed at himself: "...can you see me?"

This is different from the Apiao Wen Zeyu usually sees. If it weren't for her feet to touch the ground, Wen Zeyu would almost think she was a human.

Nodded, there was a smile in his eyes: "I can see it."

Getting the affirmative answer, the girl almost jumped up happily: "Oh! God! It's amazing! I've been here for so long, no one has ever seen me!" The girl looked very excited, and she hurried to Wen Zeyu's side.

"My name is Tong, and we will be friends from now on!"

A Tong didn't remember everything about her before, even her name, she only remembered that there was a pupil in her name. A Tong could not leave the library, so Wen Zeyu would go to the library every day, in the afternoon, and then stay till night.

Gradually, he felt that he had a different feeling towards this A Piao named A Tong.

At that time, he was engaged to his fiancée and was waiting for graduation to get married. But following the contact with Ah Tong, he found that he liked her and he liked a ghost. In the end, he tried his best to find A Tong’s identity. After several twists and turns, he finally found him, A Tong, his full name is Zou Zitong, who is a student of the T big literature department where he is. Zou Zitong likes to go to the book if nothing happens. Library reading.

One day two years ago, when she was in her sophomore year, she was also reading a book in the library. The ceiling of the library loosened for some reason, fell off, and hit Zou Zitong below.

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