Online games Dan Meiwen

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Male God is Mine!! Chapter 187: Online games Dan Meiwen (1)
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After receiving the plot and memories, Tian Mi really couldn't control the twitching facial muscles.

This is a so-called online game article. She has no big opinions.

But she felt that 0051 must have sent her to the wrong world, otherwise, how could she have got here!

Oh my god! Both are male protagonists!

0051 Do you want me to attack two male protagonists?

One of the male protagonists is the fraternal twin brother of the same parent and mother!

Tian Mi clutched her chest, feeling that her heart couldn't bear her feelings at this time. She took a deep breath and tried to restrain her emotions.

"The host doesn't need to attack two male protagonists, as long as one is attacked." 0051, who has a virtual entity, appeared in front of Tian Mi, wearing a red bikini, waving his wings and flying around.

Tian Mi has a black line: "0051, are you going to swim? And, how did you come out? What if someone sees it?!"

0051 covered her chest with her hands and said with a shy face: "It looks good, the Lun family wants to try it, the Lun family also wants to go swimming, you can't touch those entities~" Then he changed a serious expression: "Host Don't worry, except for the host, no one else can see 0051!"

Tian Mi almost felt that 0051 had schizophrenia. She gave 0051 a white look, and then asked with a little suspicion: "Are you sure you didn't make a transmission mistake?"

0051 instantly looked aggrieved: "There is no way~ it's this world~ The Lun's transmission is very accurate~"

Tian Mi shook the goose bumps on her body and waved her hand at 0051: "Okay, okay, I see, you disappear quickly, it affects my performance!"

0051 flattened his mouth, but returned to Tian Mi's brain obediently.

Tian Mi sighed, fell back and lay on the bed.

Fortunately, it is not the brother Xiaoshou who wants to attack, it is an attack anyway.


But she really feels awkward, and it's really dirty to **** a man from a man!

Tian Mi caressed her deeply hit little heart, comforting herself, anyhow, this attack, before being with Xiao Su, she liked women.

Tian Mi closed her eyes fiercely, she wanted to sleep to calm her mood! !

The host Tian Mi, and Xiao Su are fraternal twins.

However, the host body has been very bad since childhood. It should be a bad heart. The host has congenital heart disease.

Xiaoshou male lead Tianye, since Xiao Tianye can't get along with the host.

Obviously they are twins. It stands to reason that the relationship between the two should be closer than ordinary siblings.

However, the relationship between the two is exactly the opposite. The heart of the body is not good, and the people in the family love the body very much and are responsive to requests.

Yuti's family is very good. His father is a senior judge of the People's Court, and his mother runs an international brand clothing design company and is a strong woman.

The host has been spoiled since childhood, because the heart is not good, and the mood cannot be too strong.

So parents are very cautious when dealing with the parasite, but the parasite has been developed into a moody temperament.

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