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Home » Male God is Mine!! MGIM » Chapter 424: mission completed

Male God is Mine!! Chapter 424: mission completed

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"The task completion degree is 100, and the task score is 90. Earn 90 points. Complete the body wish and get 10 assignable data points."

"Host, do you want to exchange data points for points?"

Tian Mi nodded: "Change it."

Load host data:

Name: Tian Mi

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Level: 35

Appearance: 100 (100 points)

Skin quality: 100 (100 points)

Body: 100 (100 points)

Intelligence: 100 (100 points)

Physical strength: 100 (100 full marks)

Charm: 100 (100 points)

Specialty: Ancient medicine, poison, painting

Special skills: Little Shy (permanent use) Pear Flower Rain (permanent use) Mute (permanent use) Super navigation (permanent use)

Points: 718

"Because there is a lottery this time, did the host see the turntable on the screen?"

0051 pointed to the turntable next to Tian Mi's data on the screen. There were twelve grids on it, but the grid was blank and there was nothing.

Tian Mi raised her eyebrows: "Are you sure there is a reward no matter which one you switch to?"

0051 nodded: "Well~ don't worry~ the Lun family will not lie to the host~"

"Then what should I do next?" Tian Mi asked.

"The host only needs to say start, and stop. That's it!"


As soon as Tian Mi's voice fell, the pointer in the center of the turntable began to rotate.

The pointer turned faster and faster, and Tian Mi's eyes were lost when she saw it. Finally, she gritted her teeth and shouted "stop!"

The pointer stopped in an instant, Tian Mi looked nervously at the grid pointed by the pointer.

The handwriting slowly appeared on the grid, and it said: Upgrade to level 99.

Tian Mi blinked, and the level on her data was changed to level ninety-nine.

0051 on the side looked at Tian Mi with a smile: "Congratulations to the host! It's only one level before the full level!"

"So, I only need to complete one more task to be free, right?!"

Tian Mi is a little excited, is she finally free?

0051 nodded, thought about it, and said, "Actually, the host can be upgraded with points. Didn't the Lun family say before that, as long as one thousand points can be upgraded to one level."

Tian Mi looked at the data on the screen: "But, I don't have that many."

0051 tilted his head: "Did the host forget? You can exchange it with special skills and specialties. Well, after the host gains freedom, the special skills and specialties can be taken away by the host. If the host exchanges it, there will be none. That's it!"

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