Raiders "unknown" male protagonist

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Male God is Mine!! Chapter 200: Raiders "unknown" male protagonist (1)
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The first thing Tian Mi wakes up is to call 0051, but there seems to be nothing in her brain.

After a long time, Tian Mi swallowed, trying to accept the plot and memory.

It turns out that she can only receive the memory of the host, not the plot.

Frowning, what can I do?

The system restarts, should she wait for the system to restart before doing tasks?

Or does she do the task first?

But no one knows who the protagonist is. How can she attack the protagonist?

Tian Mi closed her eyes discouragedly and began to study the memory of the host.

After all, according to the trend of each plot, most parasites are intersected with the male lead or the female lead.

She just studied which man and which woman was better in her memory.

She is the daughter of a small county magistrate. Because the county magistrate has five sons, she has only one daughter, so she is very favored at home.

When she was fifteen, according to the rules, she was old enough for the three-year draft.

For a long time, the reason why the body is so spoiled is to send the body into the palace.

The body looks good, not to mention Qingcheng, but Qingcheng is more than enough.

Therefore, I have always been arrogant, always thinking that I must be able to enter the palace and be favored by the emperor.

As a result, the emperor did not choose himself, but chose a woman who could only be regarded as delicate.

After the emperor chooses the concubine, the rest will be selected by several princes.

The body was selected by a prince and married by the emperor as a concubine.

It stands to reason that if you can't be the concubine of the emperor, it is very good to be the concubine of the prince to host the daughter of a small county magistrate.

However, the prince was actually stupid.

Even if the host is unwilling, she still has to marry.

All this is different from what she imagined, and the body is really unacceptable.

And the woman who was not as good as her, became the favorite concubine that the emperor would rather not reign early.

Unwilling to reconcile, she tried to seduce the emperor while attending a palace banquet, but was given to death by the emperor on the spot in the name of an assassin.

The memory ends here, Tian Mi really wants to vomit: host body! You are completely killed by yourself!

However, in this way, the emperor and the beautiful-looking consort should be the male lead and the female lead.

Tian Mi really wanted to cry after searching for her memory, because she had married that silly lord yesterday!

Maybe it was because she had married a silly prince before doing tasks. Tian Mi didn't have much dislike or resistance to this silly prince, even if the memory of the body was very disgusting to this silly prince.

But what Tian Mi wants to cry now is that she is already married to this silly lord.

This silly lord is different from the idle king Situ Ming.

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