Raiders Love Hero

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Male God is Mine!! Chapter 226: Raiders Love Hero (1)
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Before Tian Mi had time to accept the plot and memory, the soreness in her whole body, especially the cracking pain in the private parts, made her frown.

It's just that these are not the source of her discomfort, the heart seems to be torn, and the pain makes people breathless.

Tears rolled in his eyes and slid down the corners of his eyes.

She opened her eyes and looked around, guessing that she should be in the hotel.

There was a rushing sound from the bathroom, and someone should be taking a shower.

She is not unfamiliar with the strange feeling in her body. This is the first time she has experienced discomfort with others.

The temples are a bit swollen and painful, and there is alcohol in the mouth. The body should be drunk.

It was just the sad and desperate pain in her heart that made her extremely puzzled. Isn't it voluntary for the body to have such a relationship with?

She wanted to accept the plot and memory, and the sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

After a while, a handsome man in a black shirt walked out.

He didn't button up the buttons, showing a strong, wheaten upper body.

The black suit trousers lined his straight long legs even more slender.

He walked to the bed, leaned over and kissed Tian Mi's forehead, peach blossom eyes raised. There was an affectionate and ruthless smile on the corner of his mouth: "I am very satisfied with your taste. Don't worry. I will notify Gu Yan about the ownership of the male number one. I will leave first and wait for my call." The man left the room while buttoning the button.

Tian Mi's nose sore, tears flowed down again.

Try to restrain emotions that are not yours, in order to know the reason. Tian Mi pulled the quilt, wrapped her naked body, and began to accept the plot.

This book can also be regarded as an entertainment article, right?

The hostess is Ning Xueyao, the jewel in the palm of a well-off family.

Because I like acting since I was young, I also studied acting in college.

After graduating from university, he entered the entertainment industry.

First, I filmed a few small supporting roles, but it didn't become popular at first.

Because of a coincidence, I ran into the male protagonist and a female celebrity car in the underground parking lot.

She has a straightforward personality, so she smashed the strict car glass with high heels.

Who knows that someone who has offended a terrible person is strictly a major shareholder of her company, who is famously retributable.

After that, she strictly used her future to threaten her and let her be his'bedmate'.

She refused angrily and splashed him with water.

It's just that the proud noble son strictly allows others to refuse.

Deliberately opening the back door to let Ning Xueyao take over an absolutely popular movie, and let her act as the heroine.

Later, entertainment news reported that she was under strict unspoken rules, and she became popular.

It's just that this red is not what Ning Xueyao wants.

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