The hero is a ghost

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Male God is Mine!! Chapter 340: The hero is a ghost (1)
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Shen Wanwan, as the 39th generation disciple of the exorcist Shen family, except for attending classes like ordinary sophomores, is to help others catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits.

She doesn't like to make friends, because those who become friends with her will always be entangled by evil, and bad luck will continue.

Seriously, it will even pay the price of life.

So even though she also wanted to have a friend who could talk, she couldn't do it. She harmed others for her own selfish desires.

She has killed one, and she can't kill anyone else!

They are descendants of the Shen family and are destined to die alone.

So in the eyes of outsiders, she is a weird person after sinking into the night!

Nevertheless, Shen Wanwan never thought that one day she would be with a ghost.

Su Zimo never knew who he was, when he died, how he died, let alone how long he died.

All he knows is that his name is Su Zimo, nothing more.

He only knew that since he had the memory, he could not be more than five meters away from the palm-sized piece of black jade in the antique shop.

Su Zimo thought that he would always live so muddled.

But I didn't expect that one day, that piece of black jade would be bought by a little girl.

And he naturally followed that girl.

Su Zimo did not expect that one day, he would fall in love with someone!

The first thing Tian Mi wakes up is to look around.

It seems that this should be a student dormitory for six people, but at this time, it is quiet in the dormitory, and she is the only one.

The ceiling fan on the ceiling creaked and turned, the noise was loud, but there was no wind.

Sitting up on her back, her brain was dizzy and swollen, and the feeling of top-heavy was very uncomfortable.

Sweeping her eyes around, she was sleeping on the lower bunk, and it was more convenient to get out of the bed.

Put on the slippers beside the bed and went to the bathroom, after a brief comment.

Tian Mi walked to the washbasin, ready to wash her hands.

Just turning on the faucet, Tian Mi looked up at the mirror hanging on the wall.

At that glance, Tian Mi was so frightened that she backed away several steps, until she hit the wall, she could stand firm.

No, she was not scared by the mirror, but by the person in the mirror.

The face of the person in the mirror was sallow, and the dark circles under his eyes were thick and exaggerated. A pair of large sunken eyes were bloodshot, chapped lips were purple, and yellow hair was messy.

The person in the mirror is very thin, so skinny that there is almost nothing on his face except for the skin.

If it were not for her concentration, she would definitely scream at this time, and then shout: "There is a ghost!"

Caressing her fast-beating heart, Tian Mi tentatively looked at the body in the mirror.

After a long while, Tian Mi called out 0051.

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