Military Literature

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Male God is Mine!! Chapter 6: Military Literature (1)
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This is a military article,

The hostess Yan Xiang is a newly graduated nurse. Comes from a teacher's family and works in a military hospital.

The male protagonist Xi Yin is a domineering general who has been a soldier for generations. The main acquaintance of the male and female is that Xi Yin was injured in a military exercise accidentally. During the injury, Xiaobai nurse Yan Xiang took care of the daily routine.

The reason why it is called Xiaobai is because the heroine is confused and careless and all kinds of silly white sweets.

Taking care of Xi Yin on the first day made Xi Yin's wound worse and worsened, causing Xi Yin's disgust and gaze. The two began to develop feelings amidst the clamor, and finally, under Xi Yin's various mighty and domineering male chauvinisms, they packed Yan Xiang home.

The physique is surgical medicine, the predecessor of the male protagonist, and even the childhood sweethearts, all soldiers for generations.

Originally, the family was very optimistic about the young couple, thinking that they should get married when they reached their age. As a result, Tian Mi, who was about to graduate from university, was reluctant. She felt that if this were the case, her life had been planned and she had no passion at all, just like a stagnant pool. So after graduating from university, she resolutely chose to study abroad. As she thought, her life experience was enriched.

She knew more people and made boyfriends. Even after finishing school, he concealed that his family members married and settled abroad with her boyfriend.

But life is often not so romantic. Soon after she got married, she became pregnant and naturally couldn't work. But her husband cheated when she was pregnant, which made her suffer, and even miscarried unexpectedly during the dispute.

She quickly ended this marriage and chose to return to China.

At this time, Xi Yin and Yan Xiang hadn't confirmed their relationship, and they were still in a state of rejoicing.

Tian Mi returned and worked as a surgeon in the military hospital. Trainee Yin was still single, and his youthfulness had faded. The whole person became calmer and more stable. People couldn't help but want to rely on them. The families of both families were happy to see Tian Mi and Xi Yin succeed.

So Tian Mi began to pursue Xi Yin, but at this time Xi Yin was unwilling. You abandoned me at the beginning. Now I am in love with others. You look back, it's too late!

Also because of Tian Mi's pursuit, Xi Yin knew, ah~ It turns out I fell in love with that confused girl named Yan Xiang!

So Xi Yin packed Yan Xiang and went home. HE.

And Tian Mi, after Xi Yin got married, married the son of the dean of the military hospital. However, because of the accidental miscarriage, the body was injured and no longer able to become pregnant.

The current husband accidentally learned that she had been married and had a miscarriage. He was very angry and divorced her. And her parents were ashamed in the army because of her.

But after all, she loved her daughter, so she gave her a sum of money and let her immigrate abroad.

She went abroad, never married again, worked in a hospital until she retired, and died alone.

Before she died, her wish was not to marry a scumbag and not to let herself be hurt so much!

After accepting the plot and memory, Tian Mi opened her eyes. She was in the dormitory at this time, lying on the desk. According to her memory, she knew that she was preparing her graduation thesis at this time.

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