See also the eschatological essay of the female partner's counterattack

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Male God is Mine!! Chapter 94: See also the eschatological essay of the female partner's counterattack (1)
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As soon as Tian Mi woke up, she immediately opened her eyes, and looked around with some worry.

This is a very, strange, and familiar place.

She almost forgot, the laboratory.

It's just that this laboratory is not exactly the same as her original laboratory.

Because she was in the laboratory before, even if she couldn't go out, she could still walk around in the laboratory.

But here, it seemed that she was obviously impossible to walk around at will.

At this time, she was locked in an oversized glass bottle, which was filled with light green liquid. She was in the liquid, but did not feel any difficulty in breathing or discomfort. Instead, I feel warm and comfortable.

She closed her eyes to receive the plot and memory.

The identity of the host is very special. She had been brain-dead and became a vegetable as early as 20 years ago due to illness.

Her parents are scientists. In order to wake her up again, she began to study human genes.

Finally, a drug that can change genes was created.

Because the procedure was too complicated, there was only one kind of important material, so it was injected into Tian Mi's body.

Tian Mi's body genes were successfully changed, but she did not wake up.

The remaining incomplete medicine exploded because Tian Mi's parents continued the experiment.

All the drugs leaked out and became a virus. Their laboratory is actually in the basement of a tourist resort. There are many people coming and going every day. When the explosion, Tian Mi's parents immediately moved with Tian Mi, while others inadvertently inhaled the virus into their bodies.

The virus is completely invisible when it first enters the body, even if it is checked in the hospital, there is no problem.

Half a month later, human genes mutated, and all people who inhaled the virus became zombies.

Most people will be infected and become zombies if they are scratched or bitten by zombies.

A small number of people with good physique will have abilities if they are scratched or bitten.

This is also a female counterpart's counter-attack article. The original heroine is a kind-hearted girl who has a super Mario Su halo and has a healing power.

The female partner was born again. She was accidentally killed by the original heroine's Mary Su Halo. She was originally a positive girl, but when she died, she discovered that she was actually the cannon fodder in the novel world. At that time, it darkened.

She got a chance to go back two days before the end of the world.

Using her memory and familiar plot, she got the storage ring that was supposed to be the original heroine.

Then bought all the savings in the family for food.

Because of the ring, it was originally the healing power of the original heroine, but it also became hers, and she also had the earth power. Then began her glorious apocalyptic road.

Under her deliberateness, she grabbed the love that was supposed to be the original heroine, that is, the male lead, and directly killed the original heroine.

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