Blusted and blue

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The keys around my index finger jingle as I walk to the back of the store. I push open the two double doors and enter the backroom. Paula is leaning on a cart full of supplies, flip phone in hand.

"Whatever John." she says in frustration. She then slams the phone and rolls her eyes.

"What happened this time?' I asked.

Paula sighed and placed her phone in her pocket. "John can't pick me up from work because he's hanging out with his new lady friend." she ranted.

"What a git!" I said back. I walked over and stood next to her. "ya know what, I'll take you out tonight. We'll go to the Q inn. I'll get us some drinks and you can forget about john."

she smiled. "Thanks, Greta." We both exited the break room and Paula went back to her register. I made my way to the dairy section to restock the milk. I wheel the cart over and begin placing the milk in the fridge. One by one, the jugs go in order. I sigh as i place the last carton on the shelf. A tall man hovered over me. I turned back.

"Can I help you?" I smile.

As I turned, I had gotten a good look at him. He was bald with all white eyes. He had a large figure and big hands. He reached over my head and grabbed a jug of milk. We made eye contact, and I accidentally gave him a scared facial expression.

"OI RUSS!!!" a man yelled loudly from down the aisle.

Our heads both jolted as we turn to look at the man. He lad short black hair and greenish skin, he looked quite seasick.

"We gotta go, just ran into Jim." The man said in his growly voice.

Who i assumed was Russ looked at me one more time before following the man out of the store. I carried the cart back to the back room and pulled out my flip phone. I dialed Ruby's number.

"Hello?" she said. her voice was muffled, most likely due to the terrible service in the store.

"Ruby, you will not believe what just happened. So, I was stocking shelves right, and this tall guy with white eyes hovers over me. and then this green guy came and dragged him out of the store." I spoke.

"Thats weird. Anyways I'm practicing drums right now. Are we still having rehearsals at Paula's?"


"Cool see you tonight."

Ruby then hung up the phone. Shes really the backbone of our band, she works so hard to keep us relevant. Not only is she our drummer but she's also our publicity manager. Shes the one that started our band, Aswell. I grabbed my purse from the back and exited the store. as I leave, I see the two guys talking to an old looking man in the parking lot. The green guy and the old man were fighting, and Russ stood behind them motionless. Unfortunately, my car was parked right next to them. The green guy looked at me and grinned.

"Where are you going love?" he asked sinisterly. He began walking towards me. I freaked out and tried to get to my car quicker. Luckily Russ grabbed him.

"Chill out Murdoc, not every girl you see on the streets wants you."  Russ said as he pulled the back of his shirt to keep him away. I gave Russ a smile and he smiled back. I got into my car and heard my phone. I flipped it on and saw ruby calling me.

'Hey Greta, my keyboard broke. Can you go to the piano shop and pick me up a new one? I'll give you the money whenever you deliver it." She asked.

"Sure." I said and hung up. I groaned and began driving down the street. Ruby has been working hard lately, from managing our band to getting her degree, she barely has any time to herself. The least I can do is spare her 80 pounds. I pulled into the parking lot and stepped out of the car. The bright neon open sign lit up as i approached the piano store. The bell chimed as i opened the door. A young man with blue hair approached me.

"Hello love, need any help? The man said, giving me a warm smile. I smile in return.

"Yeah, I'm looking for a keyboard." i said to him.

"Follow me ma'am I'll show you where they are." He led me to the front corner of the store. There was a large selection available.

"Hey, I don't know too much about keyboards, which one do you think is the best?" He pointed at the one sitting in front of me.

"I really like Yamaha's. They have great sound qua-"

At that exact moment someone drove their car directly through the glass window. The man used his arm to shove me out of the way so I wouldn't be injured. The man was then hit directly in the face. He collapsed on the floor. bleeding from every morsel of his face. I sat there with my jaw on the floor, not processing what had just happened. It felt like everything was moving in slow motion. I watched people rush out of the store and help the man up. Just then the driver stepped out of the car. No way. There is absolutely no way. The green skinned man i saw at work stepped out.

"Rubbish i say!! This car is utter rubbish!!" he yelled kicking the vehicle. The police pulled up to the store and grabbed the man and put him in the back of car.

"Let go of me you pig!" The man yelled. I attempted to get up and exit, almost stepping on glass in the process. I got to my car and called Ruby.

"Hey, I didn't get the keyboard." I said with tears forming in my eyes.

'What's wrong? Why are you crying/' she said worried. I broke down crying. After a few minutes I calmed down and explained what had happened.

"Oh god Greta... I'm so sorry. Please go get some rest. I'll tell Paula practice is off. " She said.

'Okay." I said sniffling. She hung up and sat in the parking lot watching police and ambulances come and go. I've never had such a traumatic event happen right before my eyes. I hope that man is okay. He didn't look good when he was taken away. I'm so thankful that he saved my life though. If he didn't shove me, I would be dead right now. I put my keys in the car and began to drive back to my flat. As I drove home, I noticed that it began to rain. Drops of water dripped onto my windows. Once small drizzles became a large storm. I drove home as quickly as I could trying to avoid the rain. I pulled into the parking lot and made a run for my flat. Almost slipping on the stairs in the process.

I made it to my front door and unlocked it. Stepping in I smelt the candle I had lit the night prior. The smell still lingering around the cramped room. I place my keys and bag down on the counter and head to my bedroom and flop on my bed. Closing my eyes, the only thing I could see was that man at the piano store.

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