Dead butterflies

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Noodle had finally woken up from her nap and walked downstairs. I was in the kitchen preparing her dinner, which was fish and chips. She sat down at the table and rubbed her eyes in exhaustion.

"Did you sleep good?" I asked her. She nodded her head. I walked over to the table and handed Noodle her plate of Fish and chips.

"Are you doing, okay? I know that what's happening is confusing, but I promise you that we'll figure out everything." I said as I sat at the table across from her.

"I saw more things in my dream. It didn't feel like a dream. It all felt real. It started off where I was in a lab, in the same military uniform as the other kids. We were all being trained for combat. This guy who I assume was the head oof it, said that I was their strongest fighter and that he wanted to train me solo. Then the Japanese government found out and killed all of the other kids. The guy saved me and said he would erase my memory with the words ocean bacon." She said while picking at her food.

"Do you recall any of this happening outside of your dream?" I asked her.

"Sort of, I remember that man's face and I remember how to fight, but it will probably come to me later." She said as she finished eating. She got up and placed her plate in the sink, getting on her tiptoes because she was too short. I nodded to her.

"Don't stress yourself out about it, that guy might have erased your memory for a reason." I spoke. She nodded and walked back up to her room. I looked over at 2D who had fallen asleep on the couch. I moved his head and sat down on his couch, placing his head in my lap. He smiled while still keeping his eyes closed.

"I love you 2D." I whispered quietly. He didn't respond but he still had a smile on his face. Russel walked into the living room from his bedroom.

"Hey Greta, can I talk to you." He said quietly so as not wake up 2D. I nodded and gently got up from the couch. I followed him into the hallway.

"So about today, when you saw me with Ruby at lunch... She was also at the party a few weeks ago and she had confronted me about, quote on quote brainwashing you into staying with the band. I told her about you and 2D and she said she was glad you were happy, but she was upset, I then explained to her the situation with del and she said that we should talk more during a lunch. So today we had lunch and talked about everything. She says she apologizes for being too controlling with you." Russel said.

"I'm glad you guys made up, but I don't know if I want to talk to her right now, it also seems like she dosent want to talk to me." I spoke. Russel's white eyes glistened.

"I understand, I'll leave the information at that." he said as he walked back to his room. Once I got back in the living room 2D was just starting to wake up.

"How'd you sleep love?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"Alright I suppose." He stood up. "I'm going outside to have a smoke if you want to come." He said as he exited the studio. I followed after him.

"You haven't smoked in a while, what's the occasion?" I ask. He shrugs.

"I don't know. I just feel like it." He pulled a lighter out of his pocket and a cigarette out of the box. After he exhaled, he handed the cigarette to me. I took it and followed whatever he did. I'm not a smoker, the first time I ever smoked was at his show whenever we were sitting on the curb. I was always afraid of what would happen if I did. I didn't know if my lungs would have a bad reaction or if I would pass out from being too anxious, but when I tried it, everything felt normal, I did cough, but I didn't hurt. It felt nice. I see why 2D does it so often. I wouldn't do it as much as he does though. I can see how unhealthy it is for him. I won't say anything because I'm positive he already knows.

We had a conversation about a month and a half ago about smoking. I told him how I had never smoked, and he talked about how he had been smoking since he was 12. He said he was a bad kid in middle and high school which surprised me because of how awkward he is. He also told me about his home life. He grew up in a wealthy family, his dad owned a piano shop and 2D had worked there up until the car accident. He said leaving that piano shop and moving out was the best decision he had ever made. Despite being rich, his family was incredibly abusive and held strict religious values against him. When he said he wanted to take a career as a hairstylist his parents hit and shouted at him. They couldn't stand the thought of their son doing something so feminine. Once he moved out and quit his job, the abuse continued. Murdoc has a short temper and will torment 2D every time he's upset. It's gotten better since I've been here but not by much.

I can't say I've had as bad a childhood as him, but my family was also not the greatest. My parents were very controlling and never let me leave the house unless I had to go to school. I spent a lot of my time drawing and became very good at it since it was the only thing I could do. Once out of high school, I moved into a small flat far away from them. I have recently graduated college and have been looking for actual employment besides my grocery store job. But then I met Murdoc who gave me a good paying job. Things for me are going alright but I don't know if I can say the same thing about 2D.

"Is something on your mind?" I ask 2D. 

"Yeah actually. You know our band is getting famous, people all around the country know us, not just in our area. I've been feeling really stressed. We got all the stuff going on with the album and with touring. It's horridly overwhelming. I never really expected to get this much attention and I don't really know how to feel." He said taking an inhale of his cigarette.

"I understand. I'm kind of going through the same thing. I'm overwhelmed and frustrated but im sure that everything will be worth it." I said smiling over at him. He returned the smile and exhaled, blowing a cloud of smoke out of his mouth.

"We can get you some teeth with the money we make from the band." I said laughing.

"I think I like the missing teeth look, it makes me look punk rock." We both laugh. I place my head on his shoulder and we both stare off into the dark, cloudy, night sky.

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