Possesion island

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I knock on Noodles door, and she peeks her head through.

"Can I come in?" I ask. She nods and opens her door.

"What have you been up to today?" I say as I sit down on her floor.

"I've been drawing what the man from my past looks like. I've also been looking on the internet to see if I can find anything. But I can't. It must be top secret." She said as she handed me the paper her drawing was on. The man looked old, he had minimal hair on his head and face. He wore tiny, circular sunglasses that completely covered his eyes and a white lab coat.

"He kind of looks like a scientist." I say to her.

"I guess he does." She said, taking another look at the drawing.

"Noodle, you have a very large vocabulary for a 10 year old. How did you learn everything?" I asked her.

"Well, I've always had a big vocabulary, but you don't know Japanese, so I didn't talk much." She said as she pulled out another piece of paper. She then sketched out a picture of herself and drew on a military uniform.

"This is what me and all the other kids were wearing." She spoke. I took the drawing and analyzed it. Her drawings were incredibly detailed, despite it being drawn so quickly. 2D busted in through the door.

"GUYS!!!" He yelled. Me and Noodle jumped.

"What!?" I yelled back.

"Our album is number 1 in the UK right now." He said. Me and Noodle gave him a confused look. He motioned for us to follow him out of the room and to the studio where Murdoc kept a computer. He pulled up the UK's top 100 and our album was number one.

"Woah." Noodle said.

"Woah indeed." 2D said smiling back at her.

"Does Murdoc know?" I asked him.

"Probably." he replied. Murdoc slammed the door open.

"We made it! We're at number one!" he yelled excitedly. "We should celebrate."

"Please no more parties." I spoke.

"Fine." Murdoc said annoyed. "I'll think of something give me a minute." He walked out of the room and into his. The rest of us went down to the living room and turned on MTV. Much to our surprise, our music video for Tomorrow Comes Today was playing. We all watched in amazement as the cartoon versions of ourselves appeared on the screen. Murdoc then came in the room.

"Is that our music video!?" he said overjoyed. We all nodded. "Wonderful, I've got an idea. Tomorrow, we will rent out a club and invite our fans to come with us." He spoke.

"If it means I don't have to clean up trash and beer bottles the next day I'm down." I spoke.

"Splendid. I'll call around." Murdoc said as he exited the room.

"We should go shopping, I want to look nice for this event." 2D said.

"Alright." I said getting up from the couch.

"Can I come?" Noodle asked.

"Of course!" 2D spoke. We all then hopped in the Jeep and went down to a shopping center. While on the road, people began to recognize us from MTV and followed us to the shopping center. It didn't really bother us. 2D did look a little nervous but I made sure he was okay. We went into a few shops and 2D picked out some button down shirts and Noodle found a green trench coat she liked. I had found a leather mini skirt that would look good with a white shirt I already own. We bought our items and left the store.

"it's nice having money. That's a part I like about being famous." 2D said. Noodle nodded in agreement. When heading back to the car, we were swarmed with people asking for our autographs and taking pictures. I picked up Noodle and we rushed to the car.

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