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It has been two weeks since me and 2D began dating. Keeping things, a secret has been incredibly difficult. Since Paula is super nosy and Ruby is good at figuring out when I'm lying. I've almost been caught a few times. Whenever we were at practice, I kept getting calls from 2D and Ruby almost answered the phone for me. Another time was at work when I called him on my break and Paula walked in when I told him I loved him. I told her it was my mom, but she is getting suspicious.

Recently I've been at Kong Studios a lot helping the band with their album. Me and 2D have been writing a lot of the songs and sheet music. They're releasing the album in a few days and I'm helping get everything ready. I've been making flyers and posting them around town. They're performing live the night their album releases and then having a party after. I plan on attending unless Paula and Ruby intervene.

I apply my makeup before getting picked up by 2D. We're going out to lunch and then to Kong studios to help plan the party. I received a call from 2D saying that he's in front of my flat. I placed the lipstick I just applied into the small side bag I'm taking with me. I stepped out of the door and into 2D's car.

I'm glad you're finally able to drive." I say as I buckle my seatbelt.

"Technically. I'm not supposed to, but I've had enough practice to where we won't get in a car accident." he said as he started the car.

"God Stuart! You've already been in two car accidents this year. You do not need to be in another one." I say as I tightly grip my seatbelt.

"it'll be alright. I made it to your flat just fine." he said pulling out of the parking lot. On the way out he backed into a mailbox. I then made him sit in the passenger seat while I drove.

"Where are we going again?" I asked.

"You remember that coffee shop we went to whenever you picked me up from the hospital?" I rolled my eyes.

"My ex-boyfriend works there. Do we have to?" I ask.

"If he has a problem, he can take it up with me." He spoke. I sighed and drove to the café. We pulled into a parking spot and walked in. I looked at the front counter and john was working. Not surprised. We sat down at a booth by the window.

"Would you mind ordering? I don't want to talk to him." I asked quietly so john wouldn't hear.

"Of course love. What do you want?" he asked.

"Green tea." I spoke. He nodded and walked up to the counter. I pulled out a small notepad and began doodling some possible tattoo designs for 2D. I'm taking him up on that tattoo offer. I really need to practice doing it on a person. I've only ever done it on dummies and myself. Once 2D sat down, I showed him some of the designs I did.

"I really like that skeleton one." he pointed to the skeleton doodle.

"Thats bonesy! It's a skeleton creature that I made up in high school. I would draw him on everything." I tell him.

"You know, are band needs a cool mascot, that should be our mascot!" 2D said excitedly.

"Really? You want me to make the bands mascot?" I ask genuinely.

"Yeah, your drawings are lovely." he said. We both smiled at each other. John then approached our table and brought us our drinks. He gave me a nasty glare and then walked off.

"What's his issue?" 2D said glaring back at john as he walked away.

"He hates me. He was awful to me when we dated, and he always makes sure I'm miserable." I say taking a sip of my tea.

"Well, I promise I will never be like that." he said, placing his hand over his heart. We laughed and continued drinking our tea.

"Have you thought about what you want tattooed on you?" I ask.

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