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I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I groan as I turn over and grab it off my nightstand. I picked up my phone and saw Paula calling me. Great.

"Girl what have you been doing? It's 3 PM and you're still asleep."

"Sorry I've just been going through a lot, I'm really tired."

"I'm gonna get you out of the house today, we are going to the club in 3 hours, get up and get ready. I'll be there at 6." She hung up the phone.

I turned over and placed my face in my pillow. I've been feeling so awful since the piano store accident. Two weeks have passed and I'm just as traumatized as I was when it happened. I've been going to school and work, but I haven't really done anything productive in weeks. Maybe this is what I need. I get up and walk over to my closet. Sliding through all my clothes I find a little black dress. I haven't worn this since freshman year of college, I used to party a lot then. I take it off the rack and throw it on my bed. I bend down to the floor of the closet and pick up a pair of black heels.

I look at the time on my clock by the bed.


You've got to be joking.

I rush to the bathroom and pull out my makeup and start applying it. I typically don't wear heavy makeup out, but I feel like I should tonight. I get closer to the mirror as I gently apply my winged eyeliner. After multiple failed attempts I got the look, I wanted. I apply eyeshadow and fix my brows. Then I put on lipstick. I take a step back and look in the mirror.

"Good enough." I say to myself

I rush back into my room and put my outfit on. The dress barely fits me. It's a lot shorter than I remember it being. Oh well I'll worry about that later. The doorbell rings. I grab my phone, keys, and wallet and place it inside of a small purse and rush to the door.

"Woah you look hot." Paula said smiling

"Thanks." I smiled back. We walked down the stairs of my apartment and into her car. She begins blasting the radio and rolling her windows down. We sing along to the song while laughing in between bits. We arrive and walk up to the door.

"I thought you said we were going to the club." I question as I look at the sign of the bar.

"I changed my mind. My favorite band is playing here, and I want you to see, they're super popular in the area." She said walking in. I sigh and follow her inside. As soon as she walks in she runs straight to the bar. I wouldn't expect anything less from her. I sit down on one of the stools close to the wall. I really shouldn't have come, I'm awful in social settings. This was a mistake. Then I see a head of familiar blue hair sit next to me.

No way. It can't be.

He turned to look at me.

It was.

However, this time he looked different. One of his eyes was pitch black, like a dent in his head. I guess he noticed me staring and looked down in disappointment. I panicked.

"H-hey, you're the guy that worked at the piano shop, right?" I said trying not to seem rude for staring.

"Yeah! That's why I walked over, I'd recognize your fiery red hair from anywhere." He said smiling.  "My name is Stuart by the way. Stuart pot." He extended his hand out signaling for me to shake it. I accepted his offer and shook it.

"So, what happened after the accident?' I asked him.

"Well, I remember it hurting really bad when I was in the ambulance, but I sort of passed out at the hospital. When I woke up the doctor said I had an 8-ball fracture. That's pretty much where the blood from my eyes goes to the front and it makes my eyes look black."  Stuart explained to me.

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