Momentary bliss

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It has been six days since the accident, which means it has been six days since I spoke to Stuart. Six agonizing days without knowing if he was okay. Luckily, he gave me his number, but he never answered. I have been so worried about him. I have not been able to eat or sleep. The thought of him being dead makes me sick. I decided to call again, I knew he was not going to pick up, but it was worth a shot. I dialed his number and my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" a familiar voice said. My face brightened up.

"Stuart! Its Greta, are you doing, okay?" I said, feeling relieved.

"I am doing alright love. I have another one of those 8 ball fracture things. Now both my eyes are black." He chuckled.

'Can you see at all?" I asked worryingly.

"Yeah, a bit. I am getting out of the hospital today though."

"Thats great! I can give you a ride. I do not trust Murdoc in a car with you anymore." I say smiling.

"I was going to get a cab, but that idea sounds much better.' he said.

"I'll be there in an hour.' I spoke. He agreed and we hung up. I ran to my room trying to pick out a nice casual outfit. I don't know why I'm having trouble finding an outfit? It's not like he cares, and he probably won't be able to see me anyway. I have put less thought into picking out an outfit for a date than I have right now. I guess I am just in a weird mood. I picked out a Ramones shirt and some denim jeans. I looked over at my clock on my nightstand and saw the time. I need to go. I slid on some shoes and sprayed some perfume on, then ran out the door. I got into the car and drove straight to the hospital. I pulled in and walked to the front entrance. The lady at the front desk sent me up to his room so I could help him check out. I walked to the elevator and pressed his floor number. The big doors opened, and I exited. As I turned right, I spotted his beautiful blue hair. I entered the room and his pitch-black eyes turned towards me.

'Nice to see you, Greta." He said smiling. He sat up in his bed to face me. "I haven't had any visitors yet."

"I'm glad I showed up then." I said smiling back at him. "Are you ready to go home?" I said, reaching my hand out for him to grab it. He took it and I pulled him out of the bed.

"Actually, I was thinking of going out to lunch. I'll pay for us both." He said. "I insist." His deep black eyes stared directly into my green ones. "Well, I won't argue with you." I say as I drop his hand. He looked down at it disappointed. We gather his belongings and leave the hospital. As we entered the car I asked where he wanted to eat.

"We should go to that new café; I've been meaning to go."

"Sounds good." I began driving back into town. I knew what he was talking about. Me, Paula, and Ruby have coffee there sometimes. It is a cute place. I pulled into a parking spot and helped Stuart out of the car.

"Sorry darling, I can't see that well." He holds onto my arm, so he does not fall. I gently guided him to the door.

"Don't worry about it, I got you." We both smile at each other. Once we entered, we found a table and sat down. I decided I would go up and order for both of us. He told me his order and I walked up to the counter. As I got closer to the counter, I began to recognize the guy taking orders. It was John. He looked exhausted. Once I was at the front of the line, he noticed me.

"Hey Greta, what can I get you?" he said, faking a smile. I laughed at his attempt to be nice. He then gave me a dirty look. "Can I get two peppermint teas?" I asked. He nodded and then looked over at Stuart. "who's that guy you're with?" he asked curiously. "Thats my friend." I said with a straight face. He then started uncontrollably laughing. "You're friends with that thing? He looks like a corpse. I told you should have gone out with me instead of the guy with two dents in his skull."

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