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Today is the day of the show. I'm so nervous. It's not the first time I've performed on short notice, but it's a bigger deal now since I'm in a more popular band. I don't want to mess up and ruin their debut album. 2D keeps reassuring me but I'm still shaken. 2D has also been helping me practice. I've spent the night at Kong Studios for 3 nights just so I can get the set right. 2D is letting me use one of the many guest rooms as my own room. If things work out with this band, I plan on selling my flat and moving here. I've also been progressively cleaning the place. It looks more like a mansion and less like a haunted house. I haven't had time to garden so the outside still looks rough.

Currently in my room, I have a blowup mattress with some sheets and a blanket, my guitar setup, and a bag of clothes and toiletries that I brought.

"Are you ready to go Greta?" Russel said as he entered my room. I gave him a slight nod and grabbed my guitar case. The rest of the band were outside loading everything into their car. I put my guitar case in the back and hopped into the driver's seat.

"What do you think you're doing?" Murdoc said hovering over me.

"I'm driving. Every time you drive, we get into an accident." I said, closing the door. He rolled his eyes and got in the passenger seat. I began to drive to the venue, this venue is larger than all the other ones we've been to. I've only ever performed at restaurants and skateparks. This time we're playing at and outdoor Ampitheater. We pulled up and we began to set up on stage. We were playing with two other bands, one being a well-known local band and the other being my old band. After they kicked me out, they replaced me with someone else. I don't know who, but I've heard rumors going around. It was about time to start, the local band was playing, and the crowd was really enjoying it. Then I saw it. Ruby, Paula, and John. No way.

"Is everything alright love?" 2D asked as he looked at my nervous expression. He then turned to the stage and saw what I was looking at.

"They did not!" he said in disbelief. Xpossure began to play, and the crowd appeared less interested when they heard John's vocals. I physically cringed when I heard him sing. I know they only made him apart of the band to make me jealous but they're honestly just embarrassing themselves.

"They sound god awful." Murdoc said bluntly.

"Agreed." I spoke. 2D pulled me over to the side of the stage out of view, he noticed that I had been nervous all night.

"You're going to do amazing tonight. I promise that there is nothing to worry about." He then pulled me into a tight hug and gave me a gentle kiss.

"Thank you 2D." I said smiling. Xpossure's set ended and they walked off stage with minimal applause. When walking off stage Ruby glared at me. Paula and John were laughing uncontrollably. I noticed that their eyes were red and assumed they were high. Whenever we walked on stage everyone exchanged confused whispers as they saw me walk out with the band.  2D stood in the center with his keyboard and microphone. Noodle was on his left and I was on his right.

"Hello everyone, , I'm 2D and we are Gorillaz." The crowd roared in applause. We started off by singing M1A1. This is the first time they've performed this song live. I luckily didn't mess up. The next song was Re-hash, which was the song me and 2D sang on. I was horrified. I wrote this song. So, if the people don't like it, it's all my fault.

It started off well, however when I started singing everyone stared at me. I didn't know if it was bad or if they just didn't expect me to sing but I was so nervous my legs began to shake. It was embarrassingly noticeable. At the end of the song the crowd stood up and applauded. It felt so relieving to know so many people enjoyed something I made. The smile on my face was so big, 2D glanced over and smiled widely with me.

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