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I lay on the couch and watched my favorite movie for the third time this week.  I haven't left my house or taken any phone calls in days. I talked to Russel after the party, and he said 2D wanted to talk to me, but I didn't want to talk to him. I've been getting calls frequently from him, I feel bad for not answering but I just want to forget we ever dated. What we had felt unreal, like it was too good to be true. And it was. I knew something bad would happen because something bad always happens. It's like the universe wants me to be alone. Which is what I plan on being for the rest of my life.

I get a knock on my door, and I get up to see who it is. I look through the peephole and see 2D on my doorstep. He looked very nervous. He also looked a lot nicer than he usually did. I can tell he showered and cleaned up his look. I on the other hand looked awful. My hair was up in a messy ponytail and all my hair dye was practically gone, it was now an ugly blondish red. I was also in my pajama shorts and a tank top. My eyes were puffy and gross, and I had acne all over my face.

I then slightly opened the door. 2D looked very nervous and he was holding a note in his hand.

"Hey uh, I know that you're busy, so I wrote you a note so that you don't have to speak to me." He spoke. He then handed me the small piece of paper and walked away. I closed my door and sat back on my couch. I opened the note and read it.

"Hello Greta, I'm not very good with words as you know so I'm going to explain this the best I can. I just really want to apologize for what I did. It was very awful and there is no justification for it. I don't want to blame Paula for what happened because it too was also my fault. Though she did force me into it, I shouldn't have given in. I've got an issue with that, doing what people tell me you know? I don't know how to say no to someone without hurting anyone. I get very confused in these types of situations. I kind of freeze up and forget what I'm doing or what is happening. (Probably due to the brain damage.) I know me having that fear doesn't make up for cheating on you with your best friend (that sounds a lot more cruel as I'm writing this down.) but I really want to make it up to you. You're very special to me and I've never loved another girl more. The whole band misses you too! Noodle has been very sad, and Russel has been yelling at me all week. I don't think Murdoc cares though. Anyways, if you want to talk to me, you have my number. You also know where I live so you should come around as well.

                               ~2D or Stuart

I slightly smile at the note. I know he has trouble getting out what he's trying to say, and I really appreciate that he took the time to work out its words into a letter. It seems genuine. I want to talk to him, but I don't know if he's going to hurt me like this again and blame it on his inability to say no to people. I stare at the letter more. My eyes analyze each word on the paper. I then get up and head to my bedroom. I picked out a pair of jeans and a shirt with the Cure on it. I put on shoes, dashed out to my car, and drove to Kong Studios. When I pulled up, I rushed to the door and rang the doorbell. Murdoc opened it.

"And what do you want?" he said aggravated. 

"Can I see 2D?" I asked.

"You left us for 2 weeks with no reason? You're our manager and vocalist, we needed you for performances!" he yelled.

"Look, I'm sorry, can I please see 2D and then I will explain everything." I said pleading. Murdoc rolled his eyes and let me in. I spotted Noodle playing video games with Russel in the living room. I smiled and waved to them. Noodle glanced over and her eyes lit up.

"Greta!!!" She yelled and rushed over to give me a hug. I hugged her back and Russel gave me smile and motioned for Noodle to come back.

"2D's in his room." Russel said before getting back to the game. I nodded and rushed to the elevator. Once off I arrived on his floor. I walked up to his door and lightly knocked on it. 

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