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The morning after the party was rough. I was working with no sleep. It felt like I was going to fall asleep on the job. Paula noticed how exhausted I was.

"Hey Greta?" She whispered behind me as I stocked shelves. I turned back.

"Hmm." I muttered. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"You look awful, are you sick?" She asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm fine, I just didn't get any sleep last night." I said as I placed a cereal box on the shelf. She nodded and walked off. I regret everything about last night. I shouldn't have gone to that party. I'm not a party person and I knew I wasn't. I liked seeing 2D but other than that it was horrible. Really pretty girls making fun of my appearance, Russel talking to me, and ruby hating me. I can never do anything right. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Murdoc and noodle walking towards me.

"Alright noodle, which cereal do you want?" Murdoc said looking down at her. She gave him a confused look.

"Cereal! Like the stuff you eat with milk." Murdoc tried to explain. She still looked lost.

"Bloody hell you got to make this so difficult." he muttered under his breath. He picked up a box of lucky charms.

"What about this one?" Murdoc said handing noodle the box. She took it from his hands and looked at it for a minute before dropping it on the floor. She then grabbed a box of Raisin Bran.

"You want Raisin Bran?" Murdoc shouted. She smiled and nodded.

"Never in my life have I met a little kid that wants Raisin Bran." Murdoc said, taking the box and walking down the aisle. Before passing me, he stopped in front of me.

"Hey doll, you know my band got a gig on Saturday. 2D's been freaking out wondering if you're going." Murdoc said leaning his arm against the shelf to try and appear sexy.

"My band is also playing on Saturday, so I'll see you there." Murdoc's sinister expression dropped.

"You're in a band?" He laughed. "Well, now I know we don't have any competition. My band will blow yours out of the water." He took noodles hand and walked away laughing.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the empty box that had the cereal in it and carried it to the back. Puala was there with john. She was sitting on his lap on one of the chairs.

"Why is John here?' I said giving her a side eye.

"I got bored and he wasn't busy." Paula said looking up from her magazine.

"If our manager comes in, you're fired." I said as I put the big cardboard box down and picked up the second box of cereal.

"Whatever." Paula said rolling her eyes. John gave me a gross smirk. I cringed and exited the backroom. As I exited, I bumped into someone and the entire box full of cereal boxes fell on the floor. Both of us hit the ground.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." I got up and reached out my hand to help the person up.

"Greta?" 2D said confused.

"Oh, hey 2D." I pulled him up off the ground.

"You work here?" He asked. I nodded and bent down to pick up the boxes. 2D noticed and helped me with them.

"My apologies, I should've looked where I was going." he said.

"it's alright." I replied. I put the last package in the box and picked it up.

"Are you alright? You seem off." 2d said worryingly.

"Oi! 2D let's go!" Murdoc yelled from across the store. 2D sighed and ran off in the direction of Murdoc's voice.

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