Rock the house

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I walked back into the studio to see the little girl on the couch with Russel watching MTV. "Can we be realistic here? What are we going to do with this girl?" I asked, turning my head to face Murdoc. He gave me a wicked smile."We're keeping her idiot, she's great!" He said as if this was an obvious response. "Where did she come from? Can she even speak or understand English?" Murdoc thought for a second. "Oi noodle!" He yelled at her. She darted her head towards him. "See!? She can understand me." I rolled my eyes. Murdoc is much more idiotic than I thought.

"We should start teaching her some of our songs." Murdoc grinned. "2D!! Get down here!" Murdoc yelled for Stuart. Stuart ran down the stairs. "What?" He said sighing, clearly out of breath from running down the stairs. "You know guitar, right?" Murdoc questioned. "Uhh.. sure." Stuart said confused.

"Teach this girl how to play. We need to start playing gigs soon." He picked the girl up off the couch and handed her to Stuart. "Mate, I don't know how to teach guitar." Stuart explained.

"Figure it out!" Murdoc screamed. Stuart stood there for a second thinking of what to do. He then took the girl to the elevator. I ran down the hall to catch up with them. "I can provably teach her. I'd say I'm good at guitar." I say trying to be helpful. He smiled at me.

"Thanks, dear, that would help a lot." He said relieved. "Come on noodle we'll take you to the studio." She nodded and followed after him. I guess she does know English. "Stu, do you know where she came from?" I asked stepping closer to him. "I'm not sure, I don't remember ordering any little girls from Japan." He said chuckling. "No, I'm serious, how did she get here and how does she know guitar?" I asked. "I really don't know hun, but all I know is her guitar solo sounded like 2000 demons screaming in Arabic." I looked at him confused. "What does that mean?" I asked puzzled.

"Don't know, that's just what I heard." Poor guy probably got brain damage from those crashes. We entered the studio. It was the nicest, most well-kept room in the house. The walls were perfectly clean, the lighting was perfect, and the equipment looked brand new. Stuart noticed my confusion. "This is the only room we had time to fix up. It's nice isn't it." He said sitting down on a swivel chair. Noodle trailed in holding her guitar.

"Aright noodle, I've got some sheet music for you. Can you try to play some of it?" Stuart said kneeling his back down to be on level with her. She nodded and took the paper. She placed it on the floor and began playing the song perfectly. Stuart looked up at me with a big smile. "We don't even need to teach her! She's got it!" He said excitedly. "I suppose we don't." I spoke. My phone began to ring.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Hey where are you? We have practice today remember?" Ruby said.

"Oh crap." I put my phone away from my ear. "Stuart, I got to go." I said giving him a small hug around the neck and then exiting. His cheeks blushed a soft pink as he waved me goodbye. I exited the studio and got into my car to drive off to practice. We've been postponing practice and today was the first day in 2 months we've practiced. Ruby got us a gig for next week and we really need to start working. I pulled into ruby's driveway and ran out of the car. Paula opened the door for me. "Girl, where have you been? We've been waiting for almost an hour." Paula said annoyed. "Sorry I was just busy." I said trying to enter the house. I slid past Paula and walked into ruby's room.

"Where have you been?" Ruby said frustrated. "I was with a friend." I said sitting in the floor. "I also forgot my guitar. Can I use yours?" I asked.

"Don't be late again." Ruby said obviously pissed off.

"I promise it was just that one time." I said picking up the guitar from the corner of her room. Paula plugged in the amps, and we began to play. We played our original song we named rotten apple. It's an incredibly odd name but Paula names all the songs she writes and they're all weird as hell. Paula typically writes songs for us, and I create sheet music based off what she tells me what it sounds like. She's super talented with that sort of stuff. I've dabbled a bit in song writing but I don't think I'm confident enough to put my work out there. We Finnish our song and ruby looked over at me surprised.

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