Meeting his family

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   Amiyah's POV
I wake up the next morning to an empty bed. I get up and walk in my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I make my way out my room and downstairs where I hear the tv. I see Quez sitting on the couch and I start to pout. He hold his arms out for me and I walk over to him and sit in his lap. "What's wrong baby?" He asks. I say. "You left me again." He rubs my back. "Bae I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you." I say. "It's fine." He says to me. "We need to talk." I say nervously. "O-okay." He says. "My family wants to meet you." I sigh. "Baee you know I'm going to be hella nervous." He softly chuckle. "They're going to love you relax bae." I say. "When we going?" He asks. "When you free?" I say. "Today or tomorrow." I look back at Quez . "What time we leaving?" He checks the time on his phone and says. "At 1." I get up and make my way back upstairs in my room to get ready for the day. I finish up and walk downstairs a few minutes later. I asks. "Bae take my pictures right quick." I pose as he gets up to take my pictures. I tell him to send them to me. We walk outside and get in the car as he starts the car and drives off. I ask. "Why you want me to meet them now?" He says. "Cause I'm serious about our relationship." I think about what he said and smile to myself. We finally pull up to a house. We get out heading up the front door and it swings open. A girl around my age grabs my hand and drags me inside. We talk for a few minutes and we decide to exchange numbers. An older woman comes up to me. "Who's this beautiful young lady?" Quez says to her. "Mom this Amiyah my girlfriend." She hugs me. "It's nice to meet you." I softly smile at her and say."it's nice to meet you too." He softly nudges me. "See there's nothing to be nervous about." Samaria says. "We should hang out without Quez." I agree and Quez smacks his lips. "How y'all gone link without me?" Samaria makes a smart remark. "Easy Quez and we already exchanged numbers." We chill at his parents house for awhile as they get to know me. Samaria says to me. "I'm going to text you later so we can hang out together." I say. "Okay." Quez comes up to me and holds out his hand. I grab his hand to get up as he asks. "You ready to go?" I nod my  head and Samaria says. "Don't be a stranger now Amiyah." We walk outside and get in the car. He drives us back home safely and I stare out the window. I say. "Bae we should move in together." He turns towards me. "Are you sure?" I say. "Yes bae and I don't like when you leave me." He gets quiet and I start to regret saying anything. He says. "If that's what you want bae." I get a little sad. "You don't want to?" He grabs a hold of my hand. "Bae don't cry and of course I do." He pulls me in his lap. I lean my head against his shoulder as he wraps his arms around me. "You know I love you right?" I nod my head. "I love you too ugly." We sit in the car for awhile just enjoying each other's company.  We get out walking inside the house and my phone lights up indicating that I got a message

  We get out walking inside the house and my phone lights up indicating that I got a message

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I slightly laugh at Samaria's text and Quez picks me up from behind. "What you laughing at stink?" I say. "Your sister now put me down." He carries me upstairs to the room and puts me down. "You really want to move in together?" He asks me. I look at him for a second. "Yeah if you don't think we moving too fast." He says. "I don't bae." I smile. "Ok,but Sam wants to link tomorrow." He smiles. "I'm glad you and my sister getting along." I say. "Me too." He looks at me. "While you with my sister I'll catch up with my homeboy." I say. "That's fine with me bae." We lay down and cuddle until I fall asleep. I wake up the next morning and get up to do my hygiene stuff. I finish getting dressed and walk out the bathroom. Quez looks at me. "Look! At bae fine ass." I slightly giggle and Samaria texts me telling me to come outside. Quez walks me outside to the car and kisses me. "Bye bae I love you." I smile. "I love you more bae." I close the car door and she drives off. I ask. "Where we going?" She says. "To get snacks and go and watch movies at your house?" I say that's fine with me but take my picture right quick." I hand her my phone

We arrive at the store and walk inside,getting all the snacks we want

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We arrive at the store and walk inside,getting all the snacks we want. Samaria asks. "Would you ever marry my brother?" I think for a second before I say anything. "in a year or two." She says. "Is he meeting your family?" I look at her. "It's only my grandparents,but yeah he is." She says. "What about your parents?" As I look around for the snacks I want I respond back to her question. "My grandparents raised me." She politely says. "I'm sorry I know it's probably hard for you to talk about." I smile. "It's ok." I get Quez something as we pay for our snacks my phone vibrates. I check my phone and see that Quez texted me.

We walk outside and get in the car as she drives back to my house

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We walk outside and get in the car as she drives back to my house. I look out the window and smile. We pull up at my house and I get out,grabbing my bag. We walk inside and some dude says. "Wsp y'all." We both speak to him and Quez comes from upstairs. "Hi baee." I say. "Hey stinkk." I hand him his snacks and me and Samaria walk upstairs in my room. I change into some comfortable clothes and find a movie to watch. We watch a movie and eat our snacks. As we talk and bond Quez come bursting in the room. I look at him as he asks. "Bae you got me something to drink?" I hand him one of my Powerade's that I was saving for later. He says. "Oh bae I'm thinking about chilling with my boys later." I say. "Ok bae that's fine." Samaria says. "Don't come in too late." He says before walking out the room. "I'm not you know I can't stay away from Stink too long." I playfully roll my eyes as we finish the movie. I let Samaria pick another movie. We get comfortable in the bed as the movie begins. My eyes start to get heavy and I drift off to sleep. I get woken up out my sleep and open my eyes to see Quez standing over me. I groan and sit up. He grabs my hand and pulls me out the room. We stand in the hallway and he says. "Baee come and sleep with me." I roll my eyes. "You woke me up for this." We walk in the guest room and get in the bed. He pulls me on his chest and I close my eyes and go back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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