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Amiyah's Pov
I wake up the next morning and see I got a missed call and text from Dre. I roll my eyes and get up and walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff. I finish up and decide to put on something simple.

I get my phone and decide to text Dre back

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I get my phone and decide to text Dre back.
Dre😍😍🥵: I'm sorry about earlier
Sent 9:09pm <—— last night
Me: it's cool Dre....
Dre😍😍🥵: it's not let me come and see u bae
Me: I'll think about it
Dre😍😍🥵: don't do dat bae
Me: don't do what 🙄
Dre😍😍🥵: bruh u know wat I'm talkin bout
Me: I really don't Dre
Dre😍😍🥵: I'm bout to come and get u so b ready
Me: you don't know if I had plans already or not 🙄
Dre😍😍🥵: cancel them
I roll my eyes and put my phone back on the charger and go in the bathroom and do my hair. I walk out the bathroom and sit on the bed and put on my shoes and wait on Dre. I get on my phone and see I got a text from Kayla
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: what you getting into today
Me: girl Dre wanna link up 🙄
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: weren't y'all just together last night 🤔
Me: yeah
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: you must don't want to be with him today
Me: girl not really
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: girl you'll be alright but hmu later
I take my phone off the charger and I grab my keys and walk downstairs. I sit on the couch and get on my phone. I get up and walk outside to sit on the porch and Dre car pulls up. I lock the door and walk to his car slowly,getting inside. He says. "You mad at me bbyg?" I look at him. "Nah,but where we going?" He continues driving without saying anything. I roll my eyes and fold my arms and look out the window. We pull up at an abandoned house and get out and he walks over to me and grabs my hand. We walk inside and sit down. He taps
My shoulder and I turn around and look at him.

He whispers

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He whispers. "Don't move and don't talk to nobody." He gets up and walks off towards the back. I get on my phone and text Kayla. Me:bihh
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜:where you at?
Me: still with Dre 🙄
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: ooh girl what y'all doing?
Me: nothing we at somebody's house
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: Who House?
Me: well more like the trap house
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜:mhm so he a-nvm 🤔👀
Me: girl 🙄
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: girl nothing
Me: bye 🙄
I shake my head and someone comes and sits next to me. He smirks at me and says. "Wassup ma." I roll my eyes and get back on my phone.  I hear gun shots and I dive behind the couch. I hold my chest and I start to panic. I look over at my right shoulder and see blood dripping down my arm. Dre yells my name. "Amiyah." I hold my right shoulder and I slowly get up. He runs over to me. "You been hit?" He starts pacing back and forth and I try to calm him down. I say. "Dre I'm fine."
He takes me to the back and sit me down in an office. "I'll be right back." He walks out the room and a girl walks in and looks at me. "Who are you?" I glare at her. "None of your business." Dre walks back in with a first aid kit and says. "Jilly why tf you in my office and quit harassing my girl." She walks out the room and I look at Dre. "I'm ready to go." He says. "In a minute now let me see your shoulder." I say. "I'm fine." He looks at me. "Amiyah Now!" I give him my right arm and he pulls my sleeve up. I sit there silently and watch as he cleans my cut up. I look at him. "I told you I was fine I didn't get hit." He puts bandages on my arm and gets up. "Ite lets go and stay close to me." I get up and He grabs my hand and we walk out his office. We walk back towards the front and out the door. We get in his car and he says. "You not staying by yourself tonight." I roll my eyes. "I told you I'm fine." He looks at me. "What I say Amiyah?"  I pull out my phone and he drives off. "Where we going?" I say as I glance over at him. He ignores me and continues driving. We pull up at my house and I get out and storm inside. I walk upstairs in my room and walk in my closet and change into something comfortable.

I walk out the closet and get in the bed and Dre walks in the room

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I walk out the closet and get in the bed and Dre walks in the room. I roll my eyes and turn on my side. Dre says. "Amiyah." I put my phone on the charger and fall asleep.
Dre's Pov
I put my phone on the charger and lay in the bed and go to sleep. I wake up the next morning and get up and get ready for today.
I grab my phone off the nightstand and see Amiyah texted me back.
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: it's cool Dre....
Me: it's not let me come and see u bae
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: I'll think about it
Me: don't do dat bae
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: don't do what 🙄
Me: bruh u know wat I'm talkin bout
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: I really don't Dre
Me: I'm bout to come and get u so b ready
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: you don't know if I had plans already or not 🙄
Me: cancel them
I grab my keys and walk out the room. I walk out the house and lock up. I walk to my car and get inside and drive to Amiyah's house. I stop at a red light and check my phone and see I got message from Chance.
Chance🅿️: you coming through today?
Me: yea but I got to go & get Amiyah
Chance🅿️: bru don't bring her here
Me: ain't nun gon happen to her
I put my phone in my lap and continue driving. I pull up at her house and blow the horn. She walks out the house and gets in the car.
I say. "You mad at me bbyg?" She looks at me. "Nah,but where we going?" I continue to drive without saying anything. I glance over at her and see her arms folded and looking out the window. We pull up at an abandoned house and get out and I walk over to her and grab her hand. We walk inside and sit down. I tap
her shoulder and She turns around and looks at me. I whisper. "Don't move and don't talk to nobody." I get up and walk off towards the back. Chance opens the door and says. "What you want to do?" I walk further in the room and see Jax. I sit at my desk and rub my hands together as I think. "Take him to the basement." I sit at my desk and think and Chance walks back in the room. "Where Amiyah?" I say. "She in the front." I hear gun shots and I get up and run to the front to check on Amiyah. I yell her name. "Amiyah." She gets up,holding her right shoulder. I run over to her. "You been hit?" I start pacing back and forth and She tries to calm me down. "Dre I'm fine." I take her to the back and sit her down in my office. "I'll be right back." I walk out the room and I bump into Jilly. She says. "Where you going?" I walk pass her and go and get the first aid kit. I walk back in with a first aid kit and say. "Jilly why tf you in my office and quit harassing my girl." She walks out the room and Amiyah looks at me. "I'm ready to go." I say. "In a minute now let me see your shoulder." She says. "I'm fine." I look at her. "Amiyah Now!" She gives me her right arm and I pull her sleeve up. She sits there silently and watches as I clean her cut up. Amiyah says. "I told you I was fine I didn't get hit." I put bandages on her arm and get up. "Ite lets go and stay close to me." She gets up and I grab her hand and we walk out my office. We walk back towards the front and out the door. We get in my car and I say. "You not staying by yourself tonight." She rolls her eyes. "I told you I'm fine."I look over at her. "What I say Amiyah?"  She pulls out her phone and I drive off. "Where we going?" I ignore her and  continue driving to her place. We pull up in the driveway and she gets out and storms inside. I shake my head and grab my phone and keys and get out,walking inside. I get my phone to call Chance,before going upstairs.
Phone convo
Me: aye bruh find out who was shooting
Chance🅿: you know I gotcha but how Amiyah doing
Me: the bullet just grazed her arm
Chance🅿️: what you want us to do when we find him/her
Me: call me ASAP
Chance🅿️: Ight I gotcha bro
Me: bet
End of convo
I hang up the phone and walk upstairs and search for Amiyah's room. I finally find it and walk inside. She rolls her eyes and turns on her side. I say. "Amiyah." She puts her phone on the charger and I get in the bed and lay next to her. "So, you ignoring me now?" She doesn't say anything back and I turn her over and pull her in my arms. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her forehead and fall asleep.

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