My Intuitions

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Amiyah's Pov
I wake up the next morning and I look over and see Dre still sleeping. I slightly get out the bed and walk in the bathroom and turn on the shower,waiting for it to get hot. I pin my hair up and get undressed,stepping inside the shower. Letting the hot water hit my face as I close my eyes,I start to reminisce on my past relationships and sigh. I hear my phone ringing and open my eyes and start to shower. I turn the shower off and get out as I grab my towel, wrapping it around my body. I pick up my phone off the bathroom countertop and check my notifcations.

 I pick up my phone off the bathroom countertop and check my notifcations

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I decide to text her back as I start to dry off.
Me: I'll be down in a minute bih I was in the shower. I get dressed and let my hair down and finish the rest of my hygiene stuff. I finish up in the bathroom and walkn in the room.

Dre looks at me and gets up and walks out the room

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Dre looks at me and gets up and walks out the room. I roll my eyes and walk out the room,going downstairs. Kayla looks at me and says. "wassup up with Dre?" I shrug my shoulders and walk out the house. Kayla follows behind me and stops me. "ya'll good or?" I say. "I honestly don't know." We walk outside and sit in her car. She says. "If you need me to kick his ass then i will." I slightly laugh and shake my head. "I can do that myself trust me." Chance comes to the car and knocks on the window. I slightly roll down the window and look him. "wassup." He looks at me and says. "Why ya'll outside?" I say. "We talking about something." He nods and says. "Well let me not interupt ya'll no more." He walks off and I roll the window back up and cut my eyes over at Kayla. She slightly pushes me. "don't even think about it." I put my hands up in surrender and say. "I saw the way ya'll was looking at each other." She says. "Don't try to play matchmaker." We get out the car and walk back in the house. I walk in the living room and sit on the couch next to Dre. He says. "oh,hi bae." I say with an attuide. "hi." Chance clears his throat and looks at me. "What ya'll doing tonight Amiyah?" Before i could answer Kayla says. "oh we just going to the club for awhile." He says. "Maybe me and Dre will see ya'll there." Dre says. "I can't.' I start to get irritated and say. "Why you can't Dre." He looks over at me. "Amiyah don't start bruh." I get up and storm upstairs in my room and slam the door shut and lock it. Someone knocks on the door and I say angrily. "Just leave me tf alone!" Kayla says. "you know i'm not leaving yo crazy ass alone while you pissed." I get up and open the door. She walks in and looks at me. "What you trying to do?' I say. "We definitely going out tonight." She says. "We can get ready at my house." I walk in my closet and grab one of my overnight bags and start putting some clothes in it. I walk in my bathroom and grab my toothbrush,toothpaste, and deodorant and put them in my bag. I walk out the bathroom and grab my purse,keys and phone charger. "I'm ready." I say as i head towards the bedroom door. We walk downstairs and Dre looks at me. "where you going?" I ignore him and walk outside,getting in Kayla's car. She gets in also and drives off. I look out the window and Kayla says. "We back to this again." I say while still looking out the window. "My Intuition telling me that he hiding something from me." She says. "Well you know that's never wrong." I nod my head and the rest of the car ride is silent. We pull up at her house a few later and get out,heading inside.
Dre's Pov
I wake up and see Amiyah's not in bed anymore and I hear the shower running. I sit up and check my phone and see i got a few missed calls from Jilly and Chance. I decide to call Jilly back and she answers on the first ring
Phone convo
Me: why you keep calling me
Jilly 😡😤: what you don't miss me
Me: Jilly you know I'm with Amiyah now
Jilly😡😤: you can leave her
Me: that ain't gone happen
I hear the bathroom door open and I see Amiyah walking out the bathroom. I get up and walk out the room and go downstairs.
The rest of the phone convo
Jilly😡😤: if you don't want her to find out about the rest of the story then you'll meet me tonight alone Dre
Me: you tryna blackmail me now Jilly
Jilly😡😤: I just want to see you
Me: I'll think about it
End of convo
I see Kayla standing at the door and I walk over and open it for her. "Amiyah just getting out the shower." I say as she walks in and sits on the couch. I walk in the kitchen. Chance starts calling me again and I answer.
Phone convo
Me: wasup bro
Chance🅿️: aye bruh where you at
Me: where I'm always at
Chance🅿️: Ite I'm about to slide thru
Me: ite
End of convo
I hang up the phone and see Amiyah and Kayla talking. They end up walking outside and I walk in the living room and sit on the couch. Chance walks in the house and says. "wassup with yo girl she seem pissed." I shrug. "I don't know but i gotta tell you something." He sits down and looks at me. I say. "Jilly called me and she want me to go to her place tonight." Chance shakes his head. "You really want to fuck up yo relationship again?" I say. "If i don't go then she gone tell Amiyah that we had sex yesterday night." Chance looks at me. "Wait! Nigga so you cheated on Amiyah for Jilly." Before i could say anything else Amiyah and Kayla walk in the house. Amiyah comes and sits next to me. I say. "Oh,Hi bae." She says with an attuide. "hi" Chance clears his throat and looks over at Amiyah. "What ya'll doing tonight Amiyah?" Before she could answer Kayla says. "Oh we just going to the club for awhile." He says. "Maybe me and Dre will see ya'll there." I say. " I can't." Amiyah says. " Why you can't Dre?" I look over at her. "Amiyah don't start bruh." She gets up and storms upstairs. Kayla looks at me. "What you on Dre?' She gets up and walks upstairs. Chance says. "So, you just gone throw yo relationship away like that." I say. "She not gone find out." He shakes his head at me. "She not dumb bro." I sit and think for a minute and Amiyah walks downstairs with Kayla following behind her. I look at Amiyah and see a bag with clothes in it in her hand. I ask. "Where you going?" She ignores me and her and Kayla walk outside. Chance shakes his head. "She gone put two and two together real soon." I put my head in my hands. "I can't lose Amiyah bro,but i know she gone lose her shit,when she finds out." He says. "You fucked up bro you about to be single again." I sit there and contemplate on what to do. I decide to get my phone and text Amiyah.

 I decide to get my phone and text Amiyah

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I get up and walk upstairs in the room. I do my hygiene stuff and get dressed. I decide to meet Jilly at her house tonight. I grab my keys and phone and walk out the room,heading downstairs. Chance looks at me furiosly and says. "Miyah gone leave yo ass for good this time." I acknowledge him by saying. "She not gone find out." I walk out the house,getting in my car and driving off towards Jilly's house.

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