Becoming lovers 🤞🏽❤️

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Amiyah's Pov
I wake up the next morning and get up and walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff and get dressed for today.

Amiyah's PovI wake up the next morning and get up and walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff and get dressed for today

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I get my phone and walk downstairs and walk outside to my car. I get in my car and drive to Wal-Mart and my phone starts ringing and I see that's it's Dre calling me.

I decide to let it ring and keep driving to Wal-Mart

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I decide to let it ring and keep driving to Wal-Mart. I pull up in the parking lot and park my car. I get out and walk inside and grab a basket. I grocery shop and get everything I need and wait in line. My phone vibrates and get it out my back pocket. I shake my head and pay for all my groceries and push the basket outside to my car. I put my groceries in the trunk and get in my car and drive home. I pull up in my driveway a few minutes later and see Dre's car. I reluctantly get out and start getting my groceries and walk towards the house. He walks up to me and grabs some bags out my hand. "Why you didn't answer the phone?"
I walk inside the house and go to the kitchen.
"I was busy grocery shopping." I start putting the groceries up and he says. "We got to talk." I finish putting the groceries up and I turn to look at him. "Okay." We walk out the kitchen and I sit on the couch. He looks at me. "I want you." I sit there quietly and think for a second. "You been playing too many games Dre." He says. "How I'm playing games?" I say. "You need to be with yo babymomma not me." He looks at me. "Nah I don't want her." I look at him. "You sure." He looks at me funny. "If I wasn't I wouldn't be here rn." I say. "A man is a extra motherfucking bill." Dre says. "Nah that's what a little boy is." I look at him. "I'll think about giving us a try." He glares at me. "Wym you'll think about it?" He mugs my head. "Man Amiyah don't play with me bruh." I punch him hard in the arm. "Mug my head again Dre and we gone fight." He puts his hands up in surrender. "Chill I don't have time to be fighting you." I roll my eyes. "That's what I thought lil boy." He says. "Roll them again Amiyah." I roll them again to test him and he grabs my neck. "Why you testing me Amiyah?"
I glare at him and he says. "You think I care about you glaring at me." I say. "Move Dre." He lets my neck go and pulls me in his lap. "I'm glad you giving us a chance." I say. "Don't fuck it up." He kisses my cheek and turns on a movie. "I won't." I snuggle up in his chest and smile. "Mhm you smell good." He wraps his arms around me. "I know,but thanks big head."
I look up at him. "Lil boy my head not big." We chill and watch movies for the rest of the night and I fall asleep in his arms.
Dre's Pov
I wake up the next morning and get up and do my hygiene stuff . I finish up and grab my phone and keys and walk downstairs. I walk outside and get in my car and drive to the trap. I pull up at the trap a few minutes later and get out,walking inside. Chase looks at me. "Bruh what you want to do?" I walk to my office and Chase follows behind me. "Find Jilly and bring her to me." Chase leaves out my office and I get my phone and try calling Amiyah but she doesn't answer. Chase walks in my office and says. "We found her." I say. "Bring her to me." He walks out my office and I sit and wait. Chase brings Jilly back a few hours later and She sits down. I look at her. "You thought I wasn't going to find out?" She looks at me. "I just wanted to scare the hoe you was with." I get up and walk up to her. "I don't hit females but you asking for it." Jilly  looks at me and says. "Dre you not going to hurt me." I say. "You might be right but Cassandra will." Cassandra walks in my office and says. "Chase bring her to the basement." They walk out the room and I get my phone and try calling Amiyah,but she doesn't answer. I leave the trap and drive to Amiyah's house. I pull up at her house and see her car isn't there so I sit in my car and wait. She pulls in the driveway 35 minutes later and she gets out. I wait for a minute before getting out. I get out and walk up to her. I grab some bags out her hands. "Why you didn't answer the phone?" She ignored my question and walks inside the house. I follow behind her and we walk in the kitchen. She says. "I was busy grocery shopping." She starts putting the groceries up and I sit the bags down and say. "We got to talk." She finishes putting the groceries up and turns to look at me. Okay." We walk out the kitchen and She sits  on the couch. I look at her. "I want you." She sits there quietly and think for a second. "You been playing too many games Dre." I look at her for a minute. "How I'm playing games?" She says. "You need to be with yo babymomma not me." I look at her. "Nah I don't want her." She looks at me funny. "You sure." I say. "If I wasn't I wouldn't be here rn." She says. "A man is a extra motherfucking bill." I say. "Nah that's what a little boy is." She looks at me. "I'll think about giving us a try." I glare at her. "Wym you'll think about it?" I mug her head. "Man Amiyah don't play with me bruh." She punches me hard in the arm. "Mug my head again Dre and we gone fight." I put my hands up in surrender. "Chill I don't have time to be fighting you." She rolls her eyes. "That's what I thought lil boy." I say. "Roll them again Amiyah." She rolls them again and I grab her neck. "Why you testing me Amiyah?" She glares at me and I say. "You think I care about you glaring at me." She says. "Move Dre." I let her neck go and pull her in my lap. "I'm glad you giving us a chance." She says. "Don't fuck it up." I kiss her on the cheek and turn on a movie. "I won't." She snuggles up in my chest. "Mhm you smell good." I wrap my arms around her and glance down at her. "I know,but thanks big head." She looks up at me. "Lil boy my head not big." We chill and watch movies for the rest of the night and She falls asleep in my arms. I pick her up and carry her to her room. I lay her in the bed and lay down beside her and pull her in my arms. I kiss her on the forehead. "I'm glad you're mine bbygirl." I fall asleep shortly after.

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