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Amiyah's Pov
I wake up the next morning and I slowly slide out of Dre's arms. I walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff and get ready for today.

I take a few selfies in the mirror and I walk out the room and walk downstairs and wait on Kayla

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I take a few selfies in the mirror and I walk out the room and walk downstairs and wait on Kayla. I sit on the couch and get on my phone. Kayla pulls up 15 minutes later and I get up and walk outside. I get in her car and she says. "Bih you getting thick I see you." I shake my head and laugh. "You crazy." She drives off and I look out the window. Kayla asks being nosey. "You and Dre together or not?" I turn and look at her. "Yeah we became official last night." She says. "Good." I slightly smile and look back out the window. I get my phone and decide to take a picture.

I save the picture in my phone and Kayla says

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I save the picture in my phone and Kayla says. "We having a girls day today." I say. "Where we going?" She says. "To the mall and the movies." I shake my head. "Girl you always want to go shopping." She drives to the mall and turns the radio up. We pull up at the mall and I feel someone watching me. I look around and I see two women staring at me. I shake it off and I grab my purse out the car and walk towards the mall. We walk inside and Kayla says. "Is it just me or does something feel off." I look around and I stop in my tracks. Kayla stops and says. "Wassup." I shrug it off. "It's probably nothing." My phone rings and I get it out my purse and see that it's Dre calling me. I answer on the third ring.
Phone convo
Bae🤞🏽💜: where you at?
Me: at the mall and about to go to the movies,why?
Bae🤞🏽💜: just make sure you keep me updated on your whereabouts
Me: Umm...Dre you okay
Bae🤞🏽💜: yeah bae
Me: you sure you seem a little uptight
Bae🤞🏽💜: just watch your surroundings
Me: Dre I do that already
Bae🤞🏽💜: just be careful today baby I don't need you getting hurt
Me: baby I'm always careful and I won't
Bae🤞🏽💜: just be extra careful
Me:there's something you're not telling me
Bae🤞🏽💜: babygirl it's nothing to worry about
Me: you sure
Bae🤞🏽💜: yeah just enjoy yourself today baby and text me
Me: ok baby I will
Bae🤞🏽💜: I love you
Me: I love you too
End of convo
He hangs up the phone and Kayla looks at me. "What was that all about?" I shrug. "It's something he's not telling me." She says. "He's probably just being paranoid." We shop around for a few hours and we walk outside and get back in the car. She drives to the movies and I look at her. "What's up with you and Chance?"
She says. "Nothing." I say. "Uh huh sure." We arrive at the movies and we get out and walk inside. I pay for our popcorn and drinks,while Kayla gets our tickets. I get our snacks and walk over to Kayla. We walk in movie room where our movie is being played. We sit in the middle section and wait for the movie to begin.
I eat some popcorn and watch the movie. My phone vibrates and I glance down at it and see Dre's name pop up across the screen. The movie ends and we get up and walk out to the car.I see the same two women from the mall earlier. I get my phone and decide to text Dre back.
Bae🤞🏽💜: you good
Me: yeah
Bae🤞🏽💜: u sure
Me: yes I'm sure
Bae🤞🏽💜: where u at?
Me: leaving the movies
Bae🤞🏽💜: bring yo fine ass home 😋🥴
Me: boy I'm about to get me something to eat first
Bae🤞🏽💜: ite lil baby
Me: don't call me that 🙄
Bae🤞🏽💜: girl you'll b Ite
I get in the car and look over at Kayla. "They been following us every since we left the mall." She says. "I thought it was just me." Kayla gets out the car and I get out behind her. We walk up to them and some girl says. "You dating my man Dre?" I look at her. "You mean my man boo." The girl says. "I'm Jilly and I'm surprised he hasn't told you about me yet?" Kayla says. "Why you following us?" Jilly says. "I'm just following her not you." I look at her. "Idk why tf you following me bitch." Kayla looks and says. "Let's go she's not worth it." We walk back to the car and get inside. Kayla looks at me. "I know that look miyah don't do it." I look out the window and stay quiet. She drives to my house and we pull up a few minutes later and I get out and storm inside. Dre says. "Bae come here what's your problem?" I turn around and look at him. "Who tf is Jilly and don't lie nigga." Chance says. "I told you to tell her."  Dre grabs my hand and takes me upstairs in my room. "She's somebody I use to mess around with." I glare at him. "Use to or still do?" He says . "Use to I told you I want us to be together." I shake my head. "Nah there's something you're not telling me." He grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer to him. "There's something's you don't need to know." I get out of his grip and fold my arms. "You know what just leave Dre." I storm out the room and go downstairs. Chance looks at me. "Y'all good?" I look at him. "No." Kayla says. "What He say?" I say. "They use to mess around." Chance says before walking upstairs. "They did." Dre walks downstairs and looks at me. "Can we talk?" I look back at him. "I don't want to hear anything you got to say." He yells. "Amiyah! come here." Kayla says. "You should just go Dre." He says. "Nah." I shake my head and walk upstairs in my room and sit on the bed. Chance says. "Don't worry we about to leave." He walks out the room and Kayla walks upstairs a few seconds later. "They gone,but you good?" I nod my head and turn my phone off. She says. "Then why you turning yo phone off?" I look up at her. "I just want to be alone right now." She looks at me and says before walking out the room. "Call me if you need me." I get up and follow her downstairs,She walks outside and I close and lock the door behind her. I walk back upstairs in my room and get in the bed,turning on the tv.
Dre's Pov
I wake up and see Amiyah isn't in the bed anymore. I walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff and get dressed for today. Someone knocks on the door and I walk out the room,going downstairs. I open the door and let Chance in. He says. "Jilly got away." I get mad and frustrated. "How the hell she managed to do that?" He shrugs. "Idk,but where Amiyah?" I say. "Y'all better find her again and this time I'm dealing with her myself." I walk upstairs and get my phone. I dial Amiyah's number and wait for her to answer. She finally answers on the third ring.
Phone convo
Me: where you at?
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: at the mall and about to go to the movies,why?
Me: just make sure you keep me updated on your whereabouts
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: Umm...Dre you okay
Me: yeah bae
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: you sure you seem a little uptight
Me: just watch your surroundings
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: Dre I do that already
Me: just be careful today baby I don't need you getting hurt
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: baby I'm always careful and I won't
Me: just be extra careful
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️:there's something you're not telling me
Me: babygirl it's nothing to worry about
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: you sure
Me: yeah just enjoy yourself today baby and text me
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: ok baby I will
Me: I love you
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: I love you too
End of convo
I hang up the phone and Chance says. "Why you didn't tell her?" I say. "She don't need to know." Chance shakes his head. "She do need to know." I shake my head and sit on the couch. "She don't need to know about Jilly." I get my phone and text Amiyah.
Me: you good?
I wait on her to respond,but she never does. I start to get a little worried and She finally texts me back an hour later.
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: yeah
Me: u sure
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: yes I'm sure
Me: where u at?
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: leaving the movies
Me: bring yo fine ass home 😋🥴
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: boy I'm about to get me something to eat first
Me: ite lil baby
Lil Baby😭👅😍🤞🏽❤️: don't call me that 🙄
Me: girl you'll b Ite
Chance says. "You need to tell her about Jilly before she finds out on her own." I say. "She not gone find out." Amiyah storms in the house a few minutes later and I look at her. "Bae come here what's your problem?"  She turns around and looks at me. "Who tf is Jilly and don't lie nigga." Chance says. "I told you to tell her."  I grab her hand and take her upstairs in her room. "She's somebody I use to mess around with." She glares at me. "Use to or still do?" I say. "Use to I told you I want us to be together." She shakes her head. "Nah there's something you're not telling me." I grab her by the waist and pull her closer to me. "There's something's you don't need to know." She gets out of my grip and folds her arms. "You know what just leave Dre." She storms out the room and I sit on the bed and think for a few minutes. Chance walks in the room and looks at me. "You fucked Up bruh she want you to leave." I look up at him. "She think I'm keeping something from her." He says. "You didn't tell her the whole story,So you are." I get up and walk downstairs and look at Amiyah. "Can we talk?" She looks at me. "I don't want to hear anything you got to say." I look at her. "Amiyah! come here." Kayla says. "You should just go Dre." I say. "Nah." Amiyah shakes her head and walks upstairs. Chance comes downstairs a few minutes later and says. "Let's go bruh." We walk outside and get in my car and drive to my house.

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