Some Alone time 🤔😌

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Amiyah's Pov
I fall asleep a little while later. I wake up the next morning and get up and walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff and get dressed for today. I find me an outfit and put it on.

I grab my phone and keys and walk out the room,going downstairs and someone knocks on the door

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I grab my phone and keys and walk out the room,going downstairs and someone knocks on the door. I think for a second on whether or not I should open it. I decide not to open it and sit on the couch. I hear someone yelling my name. "AMIYAH OPEN THIS DOOR!" I roll my eyes at the sound of his voice. I decide not to respond to him and turn my phone back on. I instantly see Dre's name pop up on my screen

 I instantly see Dre's name pop up on my screen

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I put my phone down and start back watching tv. My phone dings and I pick it up and see Kayla texted me.
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: You good?
Me: other than Dre banging on my door and blowing my phone up,yeah
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: girl he'll be alright
Me:girl he still outside 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: want me to come and beat his ass for you
Me:nah I'll handle it
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: don't take him back
Me: nah I need some alone time
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: Uh huh we'll see 🤔👀
Me: uh huh nothing 🙄
I get up and walk to the door and yell out. "Dre go home." He yells back. "Not until you talk to me Amiyah." I roll my eyes. "Dre just leave." I wasn't in the mood to stay downstairs anymore. I turn the tv off and walk back upstairs in my room. I lay across the bed and my phone vibrates again. I get it off the nightstand and see it's Kayla.
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: bih we going out tonight
Me: 🤦🏽‍♀️ why am I not surprised
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: do you really have to ask that question?
Me: 🤔
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: just be ready at 8
Me:don't be up to anything Kayla 😡
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: me? Girl I'm not
Me: uh huh
Best bihh👯‍♀️🤞🏽🅿️💜: just make sure you be ready at 8
Me: yeah,yeah 🙄
I shake my head and put my phone on the charger and decide to take me a nap. I wake up a few hours later and get ready for the club. I do my hygiene stuff and sit at my vanity. I do my hair and makeup. I finish getting ready and I walk out the bathroom,going into my closet.

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