Nothing lasts forever

12 1 0

I'm not the kind of person

To keep a friend forever

Cause I'm not the kind of person

Who know what's for the better

I spend all my weekends alone

Cause I can't make them stay

Whenever I make new friends

I hope they won't go away

I kept a bookmark

That I got when I was ten

The friend couln't stay

But the bookmark can

Don't ask me 

Who I'll keep for the rest of my life

I'm neither a good friend

Nor a good wife

I never really had someone

That I could keep close

I can't keep a candle alive

And also not a rose

I received a lot of love

But I still gave too much of it

And I didn't even notice

I was just a kid

I had hoped

The world would be less cruel when I was older

But it isn't

I am just older

I pretend to not give a fuck

About everything that's happening

About her sad face

And his missing ring

About the scars on her arms

And the knife in her hand

I tried really hard

But I can't be a good friend

I'm never the first

But always the second choice

I want to stand up 

And use my voice

But that would make me a bad friend


I'm just gonna do it on my own

Because I can

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