Chapter 3.

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The next day was more of the same. It seems that he really didn't want to push you. In fact, he was treating you with incredible care. He might be the most thoughtful man you'd ever met. He made you breakfast lunch and dinner. He was always asking if you were cold or uncomfortable in any way. It was quite sweet and made him impossible not to like.

Today you had become completely engrossed in a book about Paradis Island. It was fascinating to you. You found a cozy lounge chair next to a window in the library to settle in and read for hours. In fact, you were so engrossed that it surprised you when Armin came to check on you.

"How's it going?" He asked.

"Good!" You said, sounding a bit more excited than you meant. "This book- Eldia is fascinating."

"I'm glad you think so. If you like that one," He said, reaching for another of the books on the desk. "Then you'll like this one as well. This one goes more into detail about our military system."

"Oh," you said, "I'll definitely try that one next then." You hesitated a bit, looking away from him again. The way he looked at you made you feel very pressured, like everything you said was about to be the most important thing he'd ever hear. "I think I heard someone say you're a Scout right?" You asked timidly.

"That's right." He said, smiling kindly. You thought you saw a flash of pride briefly light up his features.

You couldn't help but light up a little yourself in response. "I just finished reading a little bit about them and they sound so interesting. Maybe when we talk about Marly you can tell me what it's like to be a Scout?" You averted his gaze again. You didn't mean to get quite so worked up in front of him. He was handsome, tall, muscular, smart, kind, and one of these 'Scouts'? He was really starting to look quite dreamy.

"Of course, we can. I'd love that Y/N." He was practically beaming now.

Your subtle blush had grown into a furious one. "Thank you." You said quietly.

"Speaking of, though," He continued. "I actually have to head out now for a couple of meetings. You had barely noticed that he was carrying a coat when he came in. "Will you be alright here on your own?" He asked as he started pulling on his coat.

"I'll be fine." You hesitated slightly and Armin didn't miss it. He stopped, his coat halfway on. "I don't have to go if you don't want." He said, sounding concerned.

"Oh no! You should go, I'm sure I'll be fine." You didn't sound fine. He shrugged his coat off and actually sat down next to you. To his relief this time you didn't cringe away from him.

"I'm serious. I can blow this off. It's not that big of a deal."

"No, I don't want you to do that for me." You said. You hesitated for a moment. "I just don't really know what the situation is..." Armin stared at you. You noticed that he looked a bit puzzled so you continued, a bit shyly since he was now sitting so close to you. "Well... Who all knows that I'm here? If someone was to find me here what would they do?"

"Fuck" said Armin, immediately running a hand through his hair. Hearing him curse so suddenly was jarring. It felt very out of character for him. "I'm so sorry, Y/N." He turned his head to look you dead in the eye. "I haven't told you anything. I've just been so worried I totally forgot."

"Worried about what?" You asked. If there was something more important to be worried about, you'd like to know about it.

"Oh, um..." he said, looking away from you again, cheeks lightly tinted with pink. You stared at him. "It's just that I was worried about you, that's all. Since you'll be living here now, I guess I've been pretty preoccupied. I just want to make sure you're comfortable and doing okay." He seemed pretty flustered. You gave him a soft smile and he shook his head a bit as if to reset his train of thought. "But, to fill you in, the Scouts are the only people that know you exist at all. We're still trying to figure out how to tell the rest of the military and the best time to do it." You nodded slowly. "I know you don't know any of them but, I promise, all of the Scouts are  trustworthy."

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