Chapter 25.

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You shifted your thighs apart as you leaned back on the couch to make room for his body to cage yours. You were kissing fiercely. There was no taking it slow now. The flood gates had opened and you were tired of holding back.

Your lips and tongues slid against each other almost frantically. You were swallowed up completely by the heat of your bodies. You pressed your thighs open wider as you rolled your hips into his, arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer.

Armin let out a soft growl in response and before you knew it, your nightgown was being tugged over your head, leaving you completely bare. Armin sat back, looking down at you. Again, it took conscious effort not to shield yourself and hide from his gaze, but you met his gaze and your fingers wound greedily into the waistband of his pants and tugged, exposing the delicious line of his hip bone. His hands slid down your thighs and up your hips as the corners of his mouth turned up in a knowing, half smile. His eyes were narrowed at you in a way that would make your knees give out if you were standing.

One hand went back to your thigh, gripping tightly, while the other slowly slid down your stomach. Your breath shuddered as you watched him. His hand traveled lower still, until it met the wetness between your legs. His fingers started to move and your body responded instantly. Your back arched and your face flushed. His gaze was so heavy on you that you had to look away.

Armin bent over you, bringing his face inches from your own. One hand still moving through slick folds and bringing you dizzying pleasure as he brought the other to your chin, turning your face towards his. You knew he wanted you to look at him. He had asked last time and you wouldn't make him ask again no matter how intense it was. Your eyes met his and his maintained that fierce intensity, burning brightly as he sunk a finger into you.

You let out a soft, unsteady moan and Armin rewarded you with a gentle kiss. You kissed him back, rolling your hips into his hand. A second finger entered you and began messaging from the inside. You gripped him tighter, whole body on fire and needing more.

He slid his fingers out of you and sat back to tug off his pants. You watched him, breathing heavily. You had one, glorious glimpse of his sculpted body in its entirety before he was on top of you again and his lips were on yours.

You were in complete bliss. You were so lost in him you didn't know which way was up. You thought his name might have escaped your lips as he kissed and nipped at your neck. Soon, you felt the weight of him settling between your legs, his tip just at your entrance. You exhaled softly in surprise and Armin watched your face carefully as he sunk into you.

Your legs tightened around him as you breathed a moan into his ear. He shuddered as his hips became flush with yours and you realized, even though you had already shared such intimate moments, this was the first time you had seen him in a state of pleasure. You felt intoxicated by it. You moved your body beneath his and he pulled back and then sunk into you again, your name sliding of his tongue like honey. He found a rhythm and began thrusting into you, again and again. You moved your hips along with his and one of his hands gripped your waist while the other sunk into your hair. He placed more kisses on your lips, neck, and collar as he continued thrusting, filling you with heat and pleasure. Your arms hooked around his neck and somewhere along the way you head sweet words breathed into your ear.


So lucky

I love you

A flood of pleasure shot through you at every word. Armin was beginning to lose his careful gentleness as his thrusts became rougher, harder. His fingers dug into the skin of your hips and the gentile nips at your neck had turned into stinging bites, each one eliciting a breathy moan from you. A hand snaked it's way into you hair again as this time he gripped it tight, tipping your head back so his lips had better access to your throat.

"Armin-" you breathed. "I feel so- you're-" you we're struggling to find the words. You were struggling to speak at all as your body was rocked again and again and pleasure flooded you.

He lifted his lips from your jaw so that they were near your ear. You felt his hot breath as he spoke the words, "Tell me your mine."

It seemed almost silly to you because it was so obvious. Of course you were.

"Say it." He growled in your ear.

"I'm yours." You said desperately. "All of me." You let out a grasp as his teeth found your neck again. "Always."

You felt his lips smile against your skin as he drove himself into you again.

His thrusts began to speed up and grow even rougher and you knew he was close. You were on the edge yourself. You gripped him hard as pleasure shot through your body and flooded your senses.

"Armin-" you grasped. "I- I'm-" again, you were cut off by your own inability to form words.

"I know" he said sweetly, lips brushing your ear before he pulled himself  upright again. He gripped your hips tightly as he pulled you into him over and over. He slammed into you one last time and quickly withdrew completely, body shuddering as he spilled hot liquid onto your stomach.

You watched his chest rise an fall in heavy breaths. One of your hands found his and you wound your fingers together.

His eyes found yours as you smiled softly up at him.

"I love you." He breathed.

The sound of those words melted your heart and filled your whole body with the kind of warmth only those words could give. Only from his lips. "I love you, Armin." You said as you pulled him down to you.

He nestled down on the couch behind you and luckily you had left a towel for your hair from your shower earlier thrown over a chair within reach. Armin stretched an arm over to grab it and then wiped away what he'd left on your stomach. You shifted happily onto your side so that your back was flush to his chest as he discarded the towel and tugged a throw blanket over the two of you.

The sheer thoughtfulness of everything he did. He thought that he was the lucky one. He thought that you helped heal him. He thought that you were the one that deserved so much love and care, but he couldn't be more wrong. He was the one who deserved all that and so much more. You'd be sure to give him all that you could. You made a mental note to tell him all these things, but not now. Now you were both sleepy and full of happy warmth. You'd tell him tomorrow. Or the next day. You had all the time in the world now. You were his. He was yours. You were together, and you were home.

"Y/N," Armin said quietly.

"Hmm?" You blinked your eyes open, you weren't sure when you had closed them.

"I've been thinking about something you said the other day."

You turned your head and looked at him.

"You told Eren... you didn't want to go back to Marley." He sounded unsure of himself.

"Ahh." You breathed, shifting around a bit so you were on your back. Armin had his head propped up on his hand and looked down at you. "I think my exact words were 'You couldn't pay me to go back to Marley' if I remember correctly." You smiled.

"So you meant that?" He asked.

"Of course." You said. "Why wouldn't I? I've told you before that I didn't exactly love my life there. I came to Paradis hoping to find adventure and something new."

"And did you find it?"

You turned your body towards his and place a hand on the back of his neck, tugging him towards you as you gave him a long, loving kiss. "I found everything I could ever want."

The End.

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