Chapter 4.

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Over the next few weeks, you began to feel comfortable around Armin. You spend most of your days in the library and most afternoons in the garden or doing chores.

You had taken to doing the dishes, laundry, and various other chores since you had few other ways to pass time and you felt terrible having Armin cater to you just about every moment. Thinking it would be a burden on you, Armin didn't like the idea at first, but the argument that you might go insane without something else to do, wore him down.

Armin spent a lot of time in the library with you but frequently came and went from the house due to various Scout business. You didn't like being in the house alone but tried not to let it show. You didn't want to worry him more than he already was. And boy could that man worry. He spent every moment making sure you were comfortable. Some might have found it overbearing, but you found it intoxicating. He made it hard for you not to throw yourself at him at most times.

You also noticed that he had a tendency to, well for lack of a better word, disappear. And you didn't mean physically. Yes, he came and went, but there were times when you took notes or read together when he would simply stop, gazing at the pages or out of the window instead. He didn't do it often, and he was embarrassed if you ever caught him, but it was like he was somewhere else for a minute. The look on his face would be almost completely blank but there was some kind of deep sadness there that tore at your heart.

As you dove into research, you found the easiest way to relay what you knew about Marley was to compare it to what you were learning about Paradis Island. You took notes as you read about the differences in politics, military, and all aspects of history. When Armin stayed in the library with you, he prompted you with questions often. You found that you had a lot in common and it was easy to talk to him about anything.

~ ~ ~

You held a book to your chest, finger marking the page, as you walked through the hall. As you walked passed Armin's room you peered inside and instantly regretted it. He was changing. Luckily it was just the top half. He was pulling on a sweater, the sleeves on his arms, but the rest of his upper body completely uncovered. He gave you a surprised look and you hoped beyond hope that he hadn't caught the moment where your eyes fixated on his muscular chest before your turned beet red and quickly pressed yourself to the wall outside of his room.

"Sorry!" you called, a little shaken.

A brief moment passed and Armin came to the door, sweater fully on now. One hand was on the frame as he leaned out into the hall. You looked up at him and met his eyes, hoping you weren't turning even redder. Something about the way he leaned over you like that...

"No need to apologize, Y/N," he said giving you a sweet smile. "It's my fault for leaving the door open."

It appeared that you couldn't find words. You opened your mouth only to close it again. His smile shifted subtly from an understanding one to a knowing one, and you were lucky your knees didn't give out. He placed a hand on the top of your head.

"You must be hungry. Let me make you something." He brushed passed you and walked down the rest of the hall into the kitchen. You trailed behind him and when you got to the breakfast table he pulled out a chair for you. You sat down and placed your book on the table in front of you as he moved on to the cabinets and started grabbing dishes and ingredients.

You shifted in your chair so you could watch him. "I was actually trying to find you because I had a question about this." You pointed to the spot in the book that you had been confused about.

Armin crossed the kitchen again and leaned over you to get a better look, placing a hand on the back of your chair. Your heart started racing again. Good god, why were you like this? All he's doing is standing near you! Get it together, you thought to yourself.

After you chatted for a while Armin brought you some tea to drink while you waited and you continued reading your book. You tried to offer to help with lunch but he insisted you let him take care of it. He was really starting to feel too good to be true. He was so handsome. Now that you'd seen a bit more of him you might amend that statement. Hot. He was so hot.
He was also incredibly kind and caring, if he was dating anyone he probably spoiled the shit out of her. Two questions bubbled up. One was too ridiculous to ask. You wanted to know if he had a girlfriend but there was no way of asking that sneakily, and you were definitely not ready to ask him outright. How would that look?

So instead you thought of your other question. He was literally too good to be true. It was all to easy to forget that you were his captive.

"What would you do if I tried to run away?" You asked quietly, eyes not leaving the mug in your hands.

The sound of chopping vegetables stopped. You didn't want to upset him, and you didn't want him to make any assumptions, but you really, wanted to know the answer.

A moment of silence passed and you heard him move. Armin walked around to the front of the table. He placed a hand on the back of the chair across from where you sat and looked down at you. "I'd track you down, and bring you back here." He said flatly.

Apparently, you had been taking his sweet disposition for granted. This was the first time he addressed you without it, and it was unsettling, to say the least.

He tilted his head and his eyes narrowed slightly. "Thinking about it?"

You looked away from him quickly. "No. I'm sorry. I don't know why I asked that." You knew you must have sounded like you were lying because you spoke much too quickly, but it was the truth.

Armin sighed as his gaze found the window. "I'm sorry to say this. But if anyone were to find out where you're from, it wouldn't be safe for you out there. Not until we have a chance to control that information at least."

A beat of silence passed. "Wait. You're saying that you would find me for my own safety? And not for- well any other reason?"

Amin dragged his teeth over his bottom lip, still not looking at you. "You might not believe me but that would be my main motivation, yes." His eyes found yours. "But either way, you must understand that, no matter what the nature of our relationship is, you pose a threat to Eldia."

The nature of our relationship? You thought.

"But I don't-"

Armin cut you off. "I know that. But the problem is that no one else does. I can vouch for you but that's the extent of it. You're technically a prisoner of war."

"And your word doesn't mean anything to them then?"

Armin flushed slightly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Far from it actually, but there's a system I have to work within."

Another moment of silence passed. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have pushed you on that. I hope you believe me when I say I don't plan on trying anything."

"I do." He said softly. "And you don't have to apologize. You have every right to be screaming at me right now. If you ever need to hit me just let me know."

You almost laughed but something in his tone stopped you. He sounded guilty. Defeated.

"Armin-" you started to say softly, but he cut you off.

"I better get back to lunch." He said, walking away from you.

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