Chapter 13.

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After several more glasses of wine and much more colorful conversation. You and Armin were on your way home, Armin's hand on your hip as it always was when you were on the horse. If it wasn't overcast you would guess that sunset must be close. You rode along the main, leaf strewn path. It was usually quiet when traveling anywhere but today felt especially so. Maybe everyone was worried about rain.

The gold and orange trees were just as beautiful as ever. They seemed even brighter in contrast to the grey sky that served as their backdrop and the air was cool and crisp as it caressed your skin, carrying the scent of rain.

You rode in comfortable silence but something hung in the air between you. You had had such a wonderful time but you found out that there was something else he'd been keeping from you.

Maybe keeping from you wasn't the right phrase. There was no reason for him to tell you everything. The titan thing, sure, he should have told you that sooner, but this. This seemed like something deeply personal and if he wasn't ready to tell you about it, you didn't want to make him feel like he had to just because Sasha had said something.

"Y/N." Armin said softly, his breath brushing your ear as he spoke. You were torn from your thoughts immediately.

"Hmm?" You responded, turning your head to the side so you could see him.

He leaned forward slightly and let his lips brush your cheek. Without thinking, your body instinctively leaned back into his. You wanted nothing more than to feel that again, for him to put his lips to your skin. The thought made you feel hot. It also made you remember what you had said to Historia earlier. He doesn't always do that. Was this going to become a thing? Because if so you were more than happy about it.

It also made you wonder though. Maybe you should be reciprocating those things more. God knew you wanted to, but you were nervous. Maybe he just liked toying with you and didn't mean much by it. But if that wasn't the case, if he really had feelings for you, and your roles were reversed, you didn't know if you'd be brave enough to kiss someone on the cheek when you were unsure how they felt.

"When I came back from checking on the horse," his voice in your ear brought you quickly out of your thoughts, "the others seemed pretty excited about you."

You turned your head forward again, trying to act coy. "I don't know what you're talking about." You bit your lip to keep from smiling too wide.

"Come on." He said, feigning hurt in his voice. He squeezed your hip gently. "What did you say?"

You looked up into the greying sky, trying to think of how to avoid his question. "Do you think it will rain?"

"Don't dodge the question!" He teased.

And this time, the sky saved you. Before you could answer, the rain suddenly started, falling in thick droplets all around you.

"Shit." Armin said, guiding the horse to move a little faster. "We're going to have to gallop to get out of the rain okay?"

"Okay..." You said tentatively and stiffened slightly. You had never ridden a horse at more than a trot and the idea wasn't a very welcome one.

"It's alright. I've got you." He said. And with that, he nudged the horse with his heel and you began to speed up. His hand slid from your hip and snaked its way around your waist, securing your body firmly to his. You tried to keep your breathing steady as you held on for dear life. Rain pelted you as you galloped the rest of the way home. Once you were in the stable, Armin dismounted and lifted you from the horse as well. You sighed in relief.

"You alright?" He asked, smiling. Those diamond blue eyes searched yours. His hair was tousled from the ride, dangling in front of his eyes and dripping with rainwater.

You nodded. "That was just a bit... Unsettling. I've never ridden a horse that fast before." You smiled back at him. Feeling slightly out of breath.

Armin took your hand in his, lacing his fingers around your own. "Well, now all we have to do is make it inside. Ready?"

You nodded and he pulled you out into the rain one more time. The two of you took off towards the house, water and mud splashing at your ankles, giggling all the way. Once you made it to the front door you were so giddy you had to stop yourself from throwing your arms around him. His eyes met yours as he smiled down at you again, brushing some of your wet hair away from your face. He led you inside. Once the door closed behind you, he said, "Stay right here." And dashed away. He returned quickly with a towel and began to dry you off, squeezing out your hair and wrapping the towel around your shoulders, arms, waist. You were mesmerized by him but also starting to feel useless.

When he crouched down to towel off your legs you blushed. "I can dry myself off, Armin."

"I know that." He said, absentmindedly smiling. "I want to do this."

You weren't sure what made you do it. Maybe it was the incredible warmth surging through you at his words. You reached down and grabbed his arms, pulling him back up to you. He stood upright again and looked down at you. Something about his gaze had shifted. His eyes were slightly hooded and his lips were parted. His shoulders seemed tense as he leaned closer to you, leaving only a few inches between you. You held your breath as his gaze dipped to your lips. You didn't want to believe it but it was plain on his face. He was looking at you with unmistakabl desire.

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