Chapter 24.

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After a wonderful and dreamy few more minutes of kissing. You and Armin quickly fell asleep, entangled in each others limbs. It took a moment to hit you but the exhaustion settled back in as soon as you both got the words out.

You had said it. You weren't even planning on it but it seemed so obvious now. You had loved him for a long time, you just didn't want to admit it to yourself on the chance that he didn't return your feelings. You now realized you didn't care about that. Not in that way at least. Of course you wanted him to love you. Nothing made you happier than hearing those words and you would have been utterly crushed if he had responded with a "let's just be friends" or anything like that. But that wasn't the point. Wether he returned your feelings or not, you wanted him to know them. He deserved to be loved and to know that he was loved.

As you cracked your eyes open the next morning it took you a moment to remember the reason for the incredible happiness that filled you.

Just like the day before, one of the first things you noticed was the sunlight streaming out of the window, the second was that there was no one next to you in the bed.

Just like the morning before, you scanned the room and found a man sitting in one of the armchairs with a book. Your heart skipped when you saw that it was Armin this time.

When he heard you move he put down his book and walked over to you. He was wearing his Scout uniform again. Wether it was in your head or not, you thought he looked different today, like he was glowing. You bit your lip as he sat down next to you on the bed. "Good morning." He said, reaching to brush the stray hairs away from your face.

"Good morning." You said sleepily, curling yourself around him and closing your eyes again. His fingers continued to run through your hair and you found it difficult not to fall back asleep. The only thing that pushed you out of bed was the thought that you and Armin got to go home today.

You padded to the restroom and got cleaned up and dressed for the day. When you checked your reflection you saw the same glow that you had seen emanating from Armin. You felt like a schoolgirl with a crush. It was all you could do not to hug yourself and spin around in a circle. You were in love. Madly in love. And the man you loved, loved you back.

~ ~ ~

When you walked out past the lobby and into the street to find the carriage, you still noticed one or two strange looks.

Armin wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "Just stay close to me. Things will change in time," he said softly. "Everything they know is based on rumors. Soon the good rumors will replace the bad. Look at Nicolo. Everyone loves him even though it's common knowledge he's from Marley."

You pursed your lips. "But that's because he's an amazing cook. What do I have that could make them like me?"

Armin squeezed your shoulders. "After all the reading and research you've done you're now the woman who knows everything about both the Eldian and Marleyan militaries. People we definitely appreciate that. Plus your foraging skills are excellent. It's not just anyone who can tell a poisonous mushroom from an edible one. There's also your charm and beauty." He said grinning. "Should I go on?"

You gave him a playful shove blushing. Just then rounded the corner of the street, slowing to a stop just in front of you and Armin.

~ ~ ~

The sheer beauty and vastness of the island never ceased to impress you. You stared out the window in awe every moment you were in the carriage, your hand in Armin's all the time. You watched landscapers, forests, lakes, cities, and walls as you passed by them.

You took your time getting back today since there was no longer pressure or rush. You stopped in a few different towns for coffee and snacks. If your eyes lingered on anything for longer than a moment Armin would buy it for you. He acted as if nothing in the world made him happier than to have your smile and gratitude.

When you finally made it home, you were both getting very sleepy. You thought you may have fallen asleep once or twice during the last hour or so of the carriage ride but if you had, Armin didn't say anything.

You stepped out of the carriage into the fresh cool air of home. Armin always left the light in the entryway on and the window in the door glowed against the darkness. Your heart swelled. You were home.

As usual, Armin let you have the restroom first. You showered quickly and changed into your nightgown. You didn't want to get in bed without him so you decided to light a fire in the fireplace and curl up on the plush couch in the sitting room while you waited, bringing along your current book.

When Armin found you, you were already falling asleep. You opened your eyes to find him stoking the fire, damp hair hanging in front of his eyes. Your lips turned up when you saw that he decided again to forego a shirt. You hoped this was going to become a habit.

He stood up and walked over to you. "Enjoying your book?" He teased, eyeing the book you had laid down on your stomach, all but forgotten.

You blushed. It wasn't the same book that he had teased you about before but you knew what he was thinking. You moved the book to the side table and pushed yourself up so that you were leaning back on your hands.

To get out of answering, you reached for his hand and tugged him down towards you. Before you knew it his lips crashed into yours. Neither of you had said it but you had both been eager to be alone again.

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