Chapter 16.

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Armin was the first to stand. You had sat there together long enough for the fire to sizzle itself out. He took your hand and pulled you onto your feet as well.

You walked quietly down the hallway together and you came to the door to your room first. You hesitated to go in. You wanted to stay close to him.

"Armin." You said softly, avoiding his gaze. You didn't to have to say anything else, he tugged your hand again and pulled you further down the hall and through the door to his room. You had never been in here before, only seen it from the hall. You thought of the day you saw him changing and blushed. You looked at his shirt and couldn't help but picture the rolling muscles you knew were underneath. You bit your lip. You had a feeling he wanted to take this slow and that was more than okay with you. You couldn't have thoughts like that as long as you were supposed to control yourself.

His eyes narrowed at you and the corners of his lips turned up like he knew what you were thinking.

You blushed. "Is it okay if I sleep in here with you?" You asked.

Armin chuckled. "Of course," he said. "Why do you think I brought you in here?"

Your blush deeped and you were grateful it was dark. Armin bent down and kissed you on the cheek. "Go ahead and get in bed. I'll be right there."

You nodded and your eyes followed him as he stepped out into the hall. You climbed into his bed and pulled the covers over you. You listened to the sound of footsteps and running water from the sink in the restroom.

Now that your eyes adjusted you could see his room better. It was almost identical to yours. The bed was bigger, there were two reading chairs with a small table between them, but those were about the only differences.

When silence began to stretch out in front of you, you started to worry. You could picture him standing in front of the mirror, gripping the sink and getting in his head again. He would look in the mirror and despise what he saw. The though had you subconsciously gripping the comforter tighter. When the silence stretched for too long you decided to get up. Maybe if you knocked on the door he'd snap out of whatever it was he was in.

You pulled the covers off and swung your legs over the edge of the bed. Just then you heard the restroom door open and the sound of footsteps again.

When he appeared at the door your heart skipped a beat just because he was back. He was haloed by the light of the hallway and somewhere along the way he had lost his shirt. He walked over to you slowly. He stood at the edge of the bed, his fingers flexing as he nervously dug his thumb into his palm. He was looking down at you with a lost expression, like there was something he wanted to say but he couldn't bring himself to say it.

You had been right, he had lost his confidence again. "Are you okay?" You asked quietly.

He nodded but you knew it was a lie.

You took his arm and tugged him towards you, making him bend over you. You cupped his face in your hands and kissed him. You wanted more than anything for him to know he was desired. He said he'd do better, but you knew it would take time, and until then you were happy to keep reminding him how much you wanted him.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and tugged him closer until one of his knees had made its way onto the bed beside you.

His hands found your waist and snaked their way around to your back. Before things got too heated, Armin broke the kiss. You released your hold on him and struggled to catch your breath as Armin brought his lips to your forehead. He kept them their as he took a deep breath and one of his hands slid into your hair.

When he pulled back again, you moved back onto the bed and he nestled in beside you, pulling the covers over you both. Feeling the weight of him next to you was more comforting than you could hope to describe. You wasted no time snuggling up to him. You twisted one leg around his and laid a hand on his chest, your head resting on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you snugly and dipped his head down to place a kiss on the top of yours.

You didn't speak another word that night.

~ ~ ~

The next morning you woke to the usual smell of breakfast and coffee. Feeling more refreshed than you usually did in the morning, you stretched your legs out and looked around your room. That's right. Not your room. His room. And you suddenly realized why you felt so refreshed. Yesterday had been emotionally taxing but you both got so much off your chest.

You stepped into the kitchen, not bothering to get dressed for the day yet. You found him busy at the stove like he was every morning, the scent of toast, coffee, and eggs all wafting through the air toward you.

His eyes lifted to yours and he smiled. "Good Morning, Y/N."

"Good morning." You smiled back. You couldn't help but light up a bit this morning at his reaction to seeing you. Instead of taking a seat and cracking open a book like you usually did in the morning, you walked over to him. You slipped your hands around his waist from behind and rested your head on his bare back. You let out a soft, happy humming sound and Armin chuckled.

He twisted around in your arms and wrapped his own around you, pulling you in for a soft kiss. Your heart skipped a beat as you kissed back. His hands slid down to your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. His fingers dug into your skin as he began to kiss you more passionately. You let his tongue part your lips and you felt one of his hands slide up your back until it was in your hair, tugging slightly so that your head tipped back further. You pressed your hips into him and his low groan of approval filled your mouth.

Two things happened very suddenly. The smell of smoke reached your nose just as you heard a knock at the front door. You broke apart quickly and Armin moved the eggs off the heat and turned the stove off. You rushed to find the lid to the pan, which was sitting on the counter nearby, and covered the eggs to stop the smoke from filling the kitchen. With one hand on the lid still, you looked up at Armin. The brief moment of panic over, you both started to laugh. He quickly kissed your cheek and then hurried to the front door.

You heard low voices in the entryway. You recognized Eren's laugh and you wondered if Armin had found a shirt before he went to the door. When you were sure it was safe to uncover the ruined eggs, you scooped them into the trash and began to wash the pan. Once it was placed on the drying rack with the other clean dishes you thought you might peek into the entryway.

Eren's eyes found you quickly and he flashed you a bright smile. "Good Morning, Y/N. Looks like you two were having fun." His eyes flicked between you in your nightgown, and a shirtless Armin, the knowing smile never leaving his face.

You blushed, not sure how to respond. Luckily you didn't have to.

"Don't tease her, Eren," Armin said in an impatient voice. He folded his arms. "Why are you here?"

"Sheesh I don't get any pleasantries?" Eren asked.

A brief moment of silence passed and you started to feel awkward. "Armin was just about to make breakfast!" You blurted out. Armin's eyes narrowed on you but Eren's eyes lit up. You did your best to focus on the latter. "You could join us..."

"Thank you, Y/N, I'd love to." He said kindly. "That's how you treat a guest." He said as he brushed past Armin.

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