Chapter 11.

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At this point, you had lost track of time. How long had it been since you arrived at Paradis? It felt like you had been here for a long long time. You felt like this was the place you belonged. Something had shifted between you and Armin over the past few weeks. Ever since you went into town together, ever since you shared an almost kiss, ever since you found out he was a titan. He suddenly found it easy to touch you and he took every casual opportunity to do so. It never failed to send a rush through you, whether it was a hand on your shoulder or a stroke of your hair.

Since you knew the way to town, you had also taken over the shopping. Every week you'd go to the market and buy groceries which Armin would later cook for you both. You decided to forego the horse when you went into town as you couldn't ride very well anyway. You and Armin spent a long time arguing about that. Him trying to tell you it was more dangerous for you in case there was a breach, and you finally convincing him it was more dangerous for everyone if he didn't have a horse and couldn't get to where he needed to be on time.

You weren't getting much exercise so you didn't mind walking to town and carrying groceries back. Armin always left you extra money in case you wanted to buy anything for yourself, and because of this, your wardrobe was finally growing as well as your personal book collection. You spent most evenings indulging in fantastical romantic stories.

You also took to foraging. You used to do it at home but didn't get many opportunities considering that you lived in the city. You spent several afternoons in the woods by the cottage collecting mushrooms and scoping out where berries would be in the spring, occasionally taking off your shoes to cross the babbling stream that flowed nearby.

This left you with less time to do research but you weren't sure if there was all that much left to do. You had been through most of Armin's history books and already documented everything you knew about Marley in detail.

When you got home from shopping that day, Armin was already preparing dinner. His face lit up when he saw you.

"Perfect timing." He said, rushing over to you to take the bags out of your arms. You released them happily and bent to take off your shoes. You joined Armin in the kitchen to find him unloading the groceries, delighted at everything he found. You knew he was already forming meal plans.

"How was your trip?" He asked, grabbing one of the apples you brought and taking a bite out of it.

"Good," you smiled. "I saw Sasha actually."

He looked up at you. He could tell you had more to say about the meeting and when you hesitated he said, "That went okay then?" And tilted his head slightly.

You nodded. "She invited us over for dinner in a few days. She said 'everyone' will be there." You bit your lip. You weren't exactly sure why, but the idea of interacting Armin's friends and coworkers was a bit distressing to you. You were so used to it being just the two of you. Remembering that he had a whole network of friends and support, while all you had was him, made you feel vulnerable. Somehow made you feel not good enough.

"That's good!" Encouraged Armin. He seemed to sense your trepidation and gave you a warms smile. "You'll get to meet the other Scouts."

You nodded and leaned on the counter next to him, watching as he pulled a book out of one of the bags. You had been so excited to get home that you had forgotten that you bought it. Half-eaten apple in one hand and book in the other, he flipped it over so that he could read the summary on the back. You hadn't read the back yet. You bought it on the recommendation of the bookstore owner, another young woman like yourself who loved to read romance.

Armin raised his eyebrows at you and you snatched the book from him, blushing. "Shut up." You said, folding your arms across your chest, and pouting.

Armin just laughed and turned to the pantry, bread, and herbs in his arms.

"How long do you think before dinner is ready?" You said, standing on tiptoes so you could see him crouched on the other side of the island, digging into the back of the pantry.

He appeared to have found whatever he was looking for and stood up again, replacing the apple in his hand. "Probably an hour or two still. Got plans?" He asked.

"Good!" You said, "I was thinking of having a soak in the bathtub."

"Sounds lovely." He said, as his lips turned up into a coy smile. He eyed the book in your arms. "Bringing that with you?" His eyes narrowed and he tilted his head slightly. "I won't bother you then."

You stared at him for a moment. Heat crept up your neck to your cheeks the moment you realized what he was implying. You turned your back on him in a huff. "Well, I will now so that I know you won't read it and torment me more."

You had only taken two steps before Armin stopped you in your tracks, laughing. "Relax, you know I'm just teasing." He said sweetly as he leaned over you. He tucked a lock of hair behind your ear and pressed a quick kiss to your temple.

Your eyes found his and you were momentarily at a loss for words. You opened your mouth and then closed it again. You blinked yourself back to earth and remembered that you were pretending to be mad at him. You snatched the apple from his hand and stepped around him into the hall.

"Hey!" he called after you.

"Relax," You said, feeling a bit childish as you echoed his own words as you called back over your shoulder. "There are four more in the kitchen. You'll be fine."

You thought you heard another laugh flutter down the hallway as you closed the bathroom door behind you.

Once you got into the bath you finally looked at the book you had bought. You blushed just reading the description, the author hadn't left any room for confusion as to what the book was about. When you had asked for romance you didn't realize you would get this. Not that you were complaining. You just wished you had thought to hide it better from Armin. You were never letting him lay eyes on this book again.

~ ~ ~

Just two days after you had ran into her at the market, it was time to head to Sasha's place for the dinner party. According to Armin Nicolo was an incredible cook. You were most interested to learn that he was from Marley as well. Mikasa and Historia were going to be there as well as a few others you hadn't met, including Eren.

You were excited to have an excuse to wear some of your new clothes. When you stepped out into the hall to put on your shoes Armin was already there, straightening his tie in the small hall mirror. You grinned as soon as you saw him. He looked extra dreamy in a white button up shirt, forest green sport coat, and tailored pants to match.

"You look quite handsome." You said.

He turned towards you and his expression immediately softened when his eyes landed on you. "Thank you, Y/N." The sound of your name rolling of his tongue could knock you out right there. "You look beautiful." He said in a soft voice, reaching out to take your hand and tug you a little closer. "That dress looks lovely on you."

"Thank you." You said quietly as you met his intense gaze.

He reached forward and brushed your hair over your shoulder. "Ready to go?"

You nodded and Armin lead the way to the stable. Armin assisted you getting on the horse and it was a bit less awkward this time, even though you were wearing a dress. Before you knew it, you were riding towards Sasha's. You didn't know if you'd ever get used to his body around you like this but you savored every inch of contact between you, especially the hand he placed on your hip and the way his legs were cradled around you. It almost felt indecent. You bit your lip as you shifted around slightly. You were rewarded with a soft squeeze from the hand on your hip. The only reason it felt indecent was because of the way you were thinking about him. Get your head out of the gutter Y/N.

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