I know you were too bright for me

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Max's pov:

I opened my eyes as soon as that moment replayed in my head. 'Why did you have to do this, Leclerc?' I thought.

It's 3AM and I can't fall asleep. I've been walking around my bedroom for the past hour. Memories keep filling up my head and I can't stop this weird feeling I had in my stomach. What even is that feeling?

"Fucking leave me alone!" I cursed as I kicked down everything on the night stand. I sat down breathing heavily while my hands started to shake slightly. While my leg was bouncing up and down, my phone buzzed. 'You up?' I read the message and my heart started racing again.

You up?

yeah, i can't fall asleep.

well that sucks

i guess it does

'Why am I feeling like this?' I thought while I was typing. 'Why did he even text me? Does he remember what happened?' hundreds of thoughts are filling up my head.

i'm sorry
can i come over?

excuse me?

no not in that way
i just want to talk ik
i want to sort things out
neither of us can sleep so maybe this can help

yeah you're right
yes you can come over :)

i will text you when i'll be there

drive safe!

*reacted ❤️ to your message*

I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I got in the shower to wash myself as fast as I could, and when I finished I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to my room.

I put on some sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. 'What was I getting myself into..'

Charles('s) pov:

Before I left I made sure my hair looked nice and my mouth didn't smell bad. I dressed up comfy because I'm going to sort things out with Max, not take him on a date. Atleast not yet. I smiled at the thought of taking him on a date, picked up my keys and left.

I didn't bother to lock the door because Arthur is coming home after a one week trip with his friends.

I looked at the time. 03:52. I started driving, humming the song that was playing when my whole life turned upside down. 'Golden' by Harry Styles. It's a great song after all.

I pulled up in the front of Max's house rethinking my decisions. I took a deap breath and texted him that I have arrived.

I get out of the car and walk to his front door. My heart skipped a beat when I heard him opening the door. 'Breathe, Leclerc. Breathe'

Narrator's pov:

Both of the drivers were scared. They didn't know what would happen next.

Golden || Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now