You're so golden

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Narrator's pov:

Max smiled at the monegasque's comment. "I feel so good now that I told you how I feel" the dutchman stated, as he smiled brightly. Charles smiled back, not breaking the eye contact. Max could feel his cheeks turning as res as a tomato.

"What?" he questioned the monegasque, who was admiring the dutchman. "Nothing. You're pretty." Charles stated. Max covered his face with his hands, blushing. "I'm serious." Charles said, moving the other man's hands away from his face. "I know, that's the point!" The dutchman spoke. His face was bright red and a bright smile appeared on his face.

Charles chuckled. "You're blushing again!" He joked as they both laughed. Charles got up. "Come on. Let's eat something then watch a movie." He added.

They went to the kitchen, talking and joking about things, as Charles was preparing dinner. "Do you- Do you remember the incident?" Max said betwen laughs. Charles turned around, pointing a finger at the dutchman sitting at the table "Don't say a word." He replied frustrated. "It's funny!" Max laughed louder. "Stop." Charles chuckled. The other man couldn't stop laughing. "Shut the fuck up, Mon Dieu." The monegasque said as he threw a half-cutt potato towards the dutchman.

"You missed!" Max laughed louder. Charles laughed along with him. They never felt happier. "Do you remember- do you-" Charles said, not being able to control his laugh. "Remember when- you, me, Pierre and Carlos were playing basketball?" He managed to say. "No, no, no, stop!" Max laughed. "And you kept bragging about how you are the best-" Max's laugh cut him off, as he laughed harder. "You pointed to the camera, said 'This one's for you, baby' and then completly missed, hitting Pierre in the face!" The monegasque remarked, looking at the dutchman who was holding onto the table so he wouldn't fall.

"Shut up, it's not like you're any better! Now, keep doing those fries cause I'm starving!" Max exclaimed.

When the food was ready, Charles put the plates of fried potatoes on the table, along with a bowl of meat. "This one's for you, baby!" Charles joked as he winked. "Thank you, baby." Max replied jokingly.

After they ate, Max helped Charles clean around the kitchen. "Come on, let's go." The monegasque said as they finished cleaning. "Where are we going?" The dutchman questioned. "I have a basketball hoop in the back yard, I don't think I need to explain more."

The backyard of the Monegasque's house was large. It had a swimming pool, surrounded by four sunbeds,a small basketball court, and a terrace.

"Catch!" Charles yelled as he threw the basketball to the dutchman. "Thanks for the warning." He said as he catched the ball. 'That was- hot.' Charles thought.

Max played badly. It was strange, because last time they played he was good. Little did Charles know that he wasn't trying to play at all. "Come on man, you suck!" Charles groaned. "Well, then help me play better!" Max exclaimed. The monegasque jogged to the dutchman. "Here, hold the ball." he instructed him. "Perfect." Charles smiled. He stood behind him, placing his hands over Max's, fixing his hand position on the ball. "That's great.Now, throw towards the basket, with your legs slightly bent. Throwing will be done from the wrist, and after throwing, the hand must remain straight for a split second." Max did as he said and he scored. He turned around to Charles, who was sitting inches away from his face.

"Did I do it?" Max smiled brightly. "You did great!" Charles answered, as he looked at the other man's eyes, then lips, and then back to his eyes. The dutchman gave Charles a look, waiting for his approval. As he saw Charles slowly nodding, he placed his lips on the monegasque's. The kiss was a quick one, but they enjoyed every second of it. "Now, let's play, shall we?" Max smiled.

*minutes passed*

"Motherfucker, you lied! You knew how to play all along!" Charles exclaimed. "Maybe I did." Max laughed. "Why?" he questioned. "I don't know, I needed a reason for you to touch my hands without excusing yourself." "You're such a dork." They both smiled. "Let's go inside, it's getting cold."

They sat on the couch, close to each other. Max checked the time and said. "It's getting late, I should get going." "Nooooooo, don't goooooo." Charles cried, as he wrapped his arms around Max's waist. "Please stay. You can sleep in the quest room." Charles begged. Max chuckled. "I love Clingy Charles. You should show this side more often." "So, is this a yes?" The monegasque smiled. The dutchman smiled back and nodded slightly. "I'll get you some clothes you can sleep in." Charles said as he got up.

Max didn't say a word, he just watched Charles walking to the other room. Charles still doesn't know about Kelly, and how she wanted to get back with Max. He was planning on telling him soon, althought he is hesitating.

"Alright.. here." Charles said as he handed his clothes to Max. "Thank you!" Max smiled brightly. "Is it alright if I take a shower?" he questioned. "Yeah, sure! You don't need to ask, make yourself at home." Charles added.

Charles('s) pov:

I watched Max as he walked towards the bathroom. It might sound weird, I know, but I want to enjoy every little moment with him.

My phone kept buzzing so I checked to see who could it be.

Hi, Max!
How are you?
We haven't spoken since last night
Did I do something wrong?
I know I said some things out of blue and I'm so sorry!
I hope we can work things out
I'm not ready to let you go yet.
I'm not ready to get over you, to get over us.
Let me know if you still want to sort things out.
Love you ! <3 ❤️

What the fuck. It was Max's phone. I realised as I read the texts. What happened that night? I put the phone down as I heard steps coming towards the living room.

I didn't say anything. I didn't want to ruin this again. If he rejected her again, that means he's over her. It sounds stupid, but I decided to let it go.

"-are you okay?" I heard Max saying. "Yeah, sorry." I smiled slightly. "Are you sure?" he said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I nodded softly.


This took some time. I tried to make it as long as I could.

One more chapter left. Still thinking about what my next book should be about.

Lots of love, Rin!! 🫶🏼💗

Golden || Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now