Wait for me in the sky

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Charles('s) pov:

"What happened there, Mon cherie?" I heard my mother, Pascale, through the phone. I just got home from the Singapore GP and as soon as I called my mother she started asking questions about what happened betwen me and Max after yesterday's race. "Nothing happened, don't worry." I tried to calm her down, but she doesn't seem to. "Mon chérie, tu dois me le dire. Tout le monde a vu la vidéo, s'il vous plaît. Tu sais que tu peux me parler Charles, je suis ta mère. (Honey, you have to tell me. Everyone has seen the video, please. You know you can talk to me Charles, I'm your mother.)"

"Je ne suis pas d'humeur à parler, maman. (I don't feel like talking, mom. )" I heard her sigh through the phone, and I instantly felt bad. "I'm sorry, I'm just angry. I don't get why he does such a big deal out of it, mon dieu, that's the point of the sport, being on the first fucking place!" "I know, honey, but you know Max. He was your best friend, what happened?"

'...he was your best friend, what happened?' Those words hurt more than they were supposed to.

"Je ne sais pas, maman. I wish I knew." after the phone call ended, Arthur texted me saying he wants to go out with Lorenzo for dinner tonight, and they wanted me to go with them, so I agreed.

Max's pov:

After I got home I went straight to my bedroom and started to throw shit around. I ignored every phone call, nor did I answered to any message.

I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I kept staring at my reflection while thousands of thoughts were filling up my head.

It was around 6PM so I decided to go out for a run. I changed into some short running pants and put on a t-shirt, got my running shoes on and left the house.

The run was peaceful. I didn't knew how much I've ran until I reached one of the most sophisticated restaurants in Monaco. The first time I've been there was when me and Kelly started dating. That's the place where we had our first date.

I shaked the thoughts of her out of my mind and turned to go back home. Going back there made me feel weird. That was our special place. How didn't I reconize the street? Is this supposed to mean something, or I'm just stupid?

When I got home, I took a shower, ate some leftover pizza and went to the living room to watch some TV. Even then, I couldn't get Kelly out of my mind, so I decided to dm her.

Hello, Kelly! How are you?

My heart was racing. Why was I doing this?

Hello, Max.
I'm good, thank you! How about you?
and how come you texted me?

I'm good aswell.
I texted you because I've walked past the restaurant where we had our first date and I immediately thought of you.
Sounds creepy, I know.

It does sounds kinda creepy.
And stupid. I'm sorry but it's been almost a year ever since our break up

Yeah, I know
I'm not saying that I'm not over you, I just thought I'd let you know.
Maybe you would stop thinking that I still hate you, yk ;)

such a dork :)))
that's good to know.
so, we're good?

i guess we are:)

Charles('s) pov:

⚠️TW: mentions of blood and punches.

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