I can feel you take control

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Charles('s) pov:

After me and Max had that "argument" last night I couldn't help but blame myself for being so blind. Of course, I still liked him, yet I feel like I can't trust him no more.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After that, I put on some shorts and a baggy white t-shirt.

I made a sandwich and sat on the sofa to watch TV while I ate. Max is supposed to come over later this day. There wasn't anything new on the news so I watched some cartoons instead.

After eating, I went for a run. In principle, this weekend I have free time in case nothing comes up.

I ran for half an hour, went home and took a shower. I washed my hair because it was dirty, and then I dressed in a pair of shorts and a black plain t-shirt. It was hot in the house, and I had just gotten out of the shower.

I sat on my bed and scrolled on instagram until I fell asleep.

Max's pov:

As soon as I woke up this morning, I called Daniel and asked him to come over. Luckily, he had free time so he did in fact came to visit me.

I welcomed him in, and we talked about random shit. At some point, we both got quiet. "Daniel, can I ask you something?" I asked him, on a serious tone. "Yeah sure, what's up?" he answered. "How do you know- well, how do you know you love someone? Like when you're in love with them?" I questioned. He smiled slightly and looked at me. "What do you like about her?" Daniel spoke.

"Well, that's the problem.. 'she's a 'he'.."
He smiled brightly and chuckled. "Okay, then what do you like about him?" he asked again. "You know.. he reminds me of art, in a really weird way if you ask me. Art isn't supposed to look nice, it's supposed to make you feel something. He makes me feel like I'm on cloud 9. His eyes are the prettiest eyes I have ever seen and when he smiles, oh man, his smile can light up a whole city. The way he talks, the way he always tries to check on me. Everything about him is perfect, and I always seem to mess everything up. He gets mad at me, and I don't blame him. He always forgave me, it was just a matter of time until he would give up." I spoke. Daniel smiled and looked at me again. "Max. Are you talking about Charles?" I don't know why but he sounded so excited when he said that.

"Yes I am for fucks sakes. I'm so confused I don't know what I feel. Please help me.." I added. He chuckled and said "You are so goddamn stupid, can't you fucking see?" He stated laughing. I gave him a confused look and I thought about what I said earlier. That's when it hit. He was right. I looked at him."... you're right, I am in love with him. I am in love with Charles fucking Leclerc." I finally admitted. "That's the spirit!" He laughed. "Max, when you love someone, they become a part of you even if they are not next to you. Every little thing that bother them, bothers you too. You can feel their pain even when it ain't visible." he stopped for a second but then continued. "I knew you had a thing for him all along. The way you act around him, the way you talk when you're around him. It's obvious." he smiled.

I sighed. Why was everything more complicated now than when it was before? "Are you okay, Max?" Daniel asked. "Yes, I am, it's just.. Everything seems more complicated now that I have admitted that I am in love with him." I checked the clock. "Fuck I'm supposed to meet with him today at his place." I said quickly. "Max, it's still early. Text him and ask him at what time you have to be there." Daniel calmed me down. "Right."

I did as he said. I texted him.

Good morning sunshine
What time will we meet today?
I mean, if you still want to hear my stupid apology.

"Okay, what now?" I asked Daniel. "Wait for him to answer, of course!" he laughed. "Right.." "Until he answers, let's play some fifa!" he exclaimed.

We played for 2 hours straight. He kept beating up my ass. "YOU SUCK!" He laughed as he beat me for God knows how many times. "I CAN NOT FUCKING FOCUS SHUT THE FUCK UP!" "THIS IS THE THIRD TIME YOU SAY THIS!" he laughed loudly. He kept getting on my nerves so I hit him with a pillow. "You did not see that coming, did you?" I laughed my ass off. Man, if there's something Danny's very good at, is making you laugh. "Okay, I deserved that." He laughed.

When it was time for him to leave, we said goodbye and I ran to my phone to see if Charles answered. It's been 4 hours after all.

*Delivered 4 hours ago* What the fuck? Is he okay? Maybe he fell asleep again. I went to my room to get ready. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and dressed in some comfy but not too boring clothes. I checked myself in the mirror one last time, then checked my messages. *Delivered 5 hours ago*. Was he ignoring me? I don't think so. Now I really was worried. I got into the car and drove as fast as I could to his house.The lights were off, but the car was parked. I started knocking on the door. No answer. I kept knocking but still no answer. When I called him the voicemail came right away.

Right when I was about to leave, he opened the door. I turned to face him. He looked like he just woke up. "I'm sorry, Max, I fell asleep. I couldn't get any sleep last night." he said in a sleepy voice. I smiled slightly. "Don't apologize, it's okay. Besides, I'm the one who should apologize. After all, that's why I came." He smiled, and I couldn't help but smile too.

Oh man this is going to be a long evening.



also new chapter😴

I really hope you guys enjoy this!!

I feel like this is gonna come out late because Wattpad won't let me post it for some reasons?

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