I'm hopeless, broken

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Narrator's pov:

It was race day. Both of the F1 drivers were going insane. They barely slept last night, barely ate and couldn't even make it through the whole training part.

Max wasn't confused anymore. He was furious. He wanted to show the monegasques who was better, even if he knew it was wrong. The Singapore GP wasn't an easy one, and yet not too difficult.

Charles on the other hand, couldn't stop thinking about the race. He was starting on P6 while Max was P1, as always. All he wanted to do was talk to him, but after the qualifications he couldn't find him anywhere. Was he really THAT angry? It's been weeks.

The race was about to start. The dutchman kept glaring at Charles, hoping that nothing will happen on the race and he can prove once more that he is the best formula one driver at his age.

When the race started, Max was doing great, still on P1. He got called 2 times to the pit where in those 23 laps that were already taken. He felt good. Maybe too good.

Around lap 26, Charles Leclerc was right behind him. The dutchman couldn't let that asshole, as he called him, take this win away from him.

Leclerc tried 2 times to pass him. He failed both times, sadly. Max felt proud, yet annoyed. "Box, box!" he heard through his radio. "Fuck no, he's gonna pass me!" "Now, Max!".

He was mad. Angry. He felt like he could kill someone. The monegasques noticed that something was bothering the dutch driver, so he tried to pass him.

But oh man that was a bad idea. When Max noticed what he was about to do, he went crashing straight into Leclerc breaking their front wings, and smashing one of his wheels. They both had to abandon the race.

After they went back to their teams, they knew it was fucked up. They both fucked up.

"What the fuck was that? What do you think you're doing?" an angry french accent was coming behind Max's back. "Excuse you?" the dutchman yelled back.
"Vous auriez pu nous causer plus de problèmes que vous ne l'avez déjà fait ! ( You could have caused us more trouble than you already have! ) " Charles yelled angrily. He was so mad at him. "Ik heb geen idee wat je zegt, rot op.( I have no idea what you're saying, fuck off.)"

"Don't act stupid motherfucker you know damn well what I'm saying!" the monegasques could feel his anger turn into violence. "What the fuck did you just call me?" Max took a step closer to Charles, ready to do something that he knew he would regret later.

"Motherfucker." said Charles, looking straight into the dutchman's eyes. Verstappen pushed him back and started swearing in dutch. "Je bent zo verdomd dom, Leclerc. Je kunt toch nergens de schuld van krijgen? Je moet gewoon oprotten. Soms zou ik willen dat ik je nooit had ontmoet. Soms heb ik er spijt van dat ik ooit van je heb gehouden, en ik haat mezelf omdat ik die dingen tegen je zeg, maar rot alsjeblieft op. (You are so damn stupid, Leclerc. You can't take the blame for anything, can you? Please just fuck off. Sometimes I wish I never met you. Sometimes I regret ever loving you, and I hate myself for saying those things to you, but please fuck off. )" he just blankly stared at the monegasques as he realised what he said, but it's okay, because he doesn't understand a thing, does he?

"Don't you think it's stupid? Swearing the fuck out of me in other language? You are weak and you fucking know it!" Charles said pushing him aswell. Max's anger took ahead of him and started pushing him again "You thing you're so fucking though, don't you, Leclerc? FUCKING ANSWER ME!" He yelled as everyone looked over at the boy's fight.

"What is going on?" Pierre came running to them, trying to separate the two boys. "You should calm down, man." he said looking at Max. "Don't fricking tell me to calm down. Tell him to calm down. He started it all!" He said pointing at his enemy, who once was his friend. "You are acting like a little kid, Verstappen. Both of you need to calm down!" Pierre said as he took Charles two steps away from the angry dutchman. "How did I even start it?" Leclerc asked loudly. "You tried to pass me!" "That's the fucking sport! You should read the rules again, I suppose. There is no rule that says 'Don't pass Max Verstappen' there." The monegasques tried to take his own side.

"You both are ridiculous. Cracked heads. Come on Charles, let's go." Pierre took his friend's arm and walked away.

Max went back to his team angry, not answering any question that he's been asked.


Two chapters in a day? This really is a short one but yk, it is what it is😊 (I don't use this kind of emojis yall this is a joke.. haha)

Hope you guys liked it!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼

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