I don't wanna be alone when it ends

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Charles('s) pov:

I called Max before I left for my mother. I wanted to talk to him, but he was busy. I hope he is not mad at me. I mean, he doesn't even have a proper reason to be mad, does he?

I parked in front of the house, and got out of the car, making sure it was locked. I knocked on the door and my mother opened it, who welcomed me with a warm hug. "Tu m'as tellement manqué, chérie ! Comment vas-tu ? (I missed you so much, honey! How are you ?)" she spoke, smiling brightly. "Tu m'as manqué aussi, maman ! Je vais bien, comment vas-tu? ( I missed you too, mom! I'm good, how are you?) " I replied. "Je vais bien, chérie. Merci! Come on, come in! The meal is almost ready." I smiled and went to the kitchen where my brothers were arguing about I don't know what stupid topic.

"Even here I can't get rid of you, Mon Dieu." I joked and they turned around to face me. They both smiled and went back to their argument. "Dieu, tu es si stupide, Arthur! (God, you're so stupid, Arthur!) Lorenzo hissed. "It's not my fault, man! Get over it." Arthur shouted.

"Boys, calm down. Dinner's ready!" Pascale spoke as she entered the room. All four of us walked back to the kitchen and sat down to eat. "So, Charlie, how's life? You haven't called me in a long time, I was getting worries." My mother asked. "I'm sorry, it was a tough week." I smiled and continued talking. "So uh, me and Max are on good terms now. I called him today, but he had some friends over so we didn't get to talk that much." Arthur cleared his throat. "Some friends? You mean his ex-girlfriend?" Arthur showed me his phone. Max was hanging out with Kelly at his place.

  'Date night' What the fuck, Max?"Oh yeah, I forgot

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'Date night' What the fuck, Max?
"Oh yeah, I forgot." I faked a smile and took a bite of the food.

Max's pov:

My smile dropped, and she must have noticed it because she quickly changed the subject. "Let's eat, shall we? I'm starving!" She inquired walking slowly to the kitchen.

Kelly sat at the table, as I put plates and cutlery. She brought soup. But not any soup, my favorite soup. 'She remembered... No, stop it, Max, you promised Charles something!'

After we ate she wanted to take some photos, so I agreed, because she said she wanted to keep them for herself. As we sat on the couch talking about randon things in our life, she showed me her phone. "I posted this on my story, I hope it's alright." she smiled slightly. I smiled, not saying a word. I didn't know how to feel about that, and I hated it. I had to tell Charles before he finds out himself.

When it was time to leave, she kissed me on the cheek and said goodbye. I rushed to my phone to text Charles, but it seems like he already found out.

how sweet
isn't she the girl that cheated you like three times? isn't she the girl who you told me not to worry about?
i thought i could trust you, Max
but i was wrong
you could have atleast told me i would have understood
we aren't dating, you can see whoever you want, but i really wished you would have told me

I didn't know what to answer. My leg was bouncing up and down.

Charles I'm sorry
I can explain it

save it
it's not the first time you apologize for something
when you make a decision, call me
you're a man, not a fucking child
you were a child at it's time

You're overreacting
I said I'm sorry, what do you want me to do?

Me? Overreacting?
boy you really are stupid
i can't believe i trusted you

Please, Charlie
I'm sorry just let me explain
Tomorrow, your place?


thank you! ❤️

*read 2 minutes ago*

How do I keep fucking things up with him? I texted Kelly, asking her to delete that story.

can you please delete the story

why so?

please just delete it

okay fine

thank you

*read 1 minute ago*

Why is everyone leaving me on seen these days? I went to my room and scrolled on instagram until I came across Arthur's story.

Why is everyone leaving me on seen these days? I went to my room and scrolled on instagram until I came across Arthur's story

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I screenshoted the photo, and found myself staring at Charles the whole night. I have to talk to someone, I can't keep asking myself what's wrong with me.



I know it's a short chaper yall I'm sorry but tomorrow I have my last exam and it's fucking MATHS.

I feel so bad posting this chapter this short but I swear I'll try to write a longer one tomorrow.


Golden || Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now