I'm out of my head

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Charles('s) pov:

"I fucking loved that kiss." he smirked. Max liked that kiss. No, he loved it. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot to his statement. "You're blushing you idiot." he laughed, moving his gaze to the floor. "No I'm not. Stop." I giggled, covering my face with my hands.

"Yes you are." Max said between laughs. I started laughing aswell, even if I was a little confused. "Why are you even laughing?" I asked. "You are so stupid. We both are stupid oh my god!" he joked.
He looked up, making eye contact. We both smiled, not saying a word.

He then, decided to break the silence.

Narrator's pov:

"I'm sorry, for what I've said the night you came over. I feel like a total jerk." The dutchman stated. "Well, you are kind of a jerk." "Shut up, Leclerc. I'm trying to be emotional and you're ruinning my mood." "Right, sorry." the monegasque added. "Alright, how do I start this." Charles let out a deep breath and spoke again. "I lost something I never had, yet it hurts just as bad. That's what I've thought when we stopped talking after that night. Of course, it sounds stupid, because we were friends so I didn't lose you forever. We would have met up to talk about it at some point. Yet, that's what I felt. I lost you. I lost us. And I hated myself for that, that's why I came over that night. I thought maybe we could have a proper talk, turns out you weren't in the mood for that, and I apologize. I thought you'd reach out, maybe you'd apologize and I was hurt when you didn't, although I haven't said a word. When I was about to take your place in Singapore, I didn't do it to make you hate me. I did it because I wanted to feel good about myself. I thought you, from all people YOU would understand. But you didn't, and I don't blame you for that. I learned that how much you want something doesn't determine whether you get it or not. Now that I'm saying all those things out loud, I realised that all I ever wanted was your validation, making me think that I'm good enough for you." Charles stopped for a second.

"What am I even talking about, I don't even know if you like me that way. I'm so fucked up in my own world, I'm sorry. I tried to apoligize and went too far, I'm sorry!" the monegasque stuttered. The dutchman placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. He was confused about his feelings aswell, but maybe they could get over it together. "It's okay, Charles, don't worry! I could never hate you. I admit it, I was super pissed after Singapore, but I just couldn't hate you. I thought I was getting better. I honestly did. I used to just lay in bed at 3AM, trying to figure out what the fuck was wrong with me and why was I never good enough. That was until you came into my life. Even if we are supposed to be rivals, I can never hate you." Max spoke softly. "The truth is, Charles, I don't know what I feel. I just want to be with you. Get over this together. Easy steps. We don't have to hurry. I just want to know if you're okay with this." The dutchman smiled softly as he continued his phrase.

A bright smile appeard on Charles's face. "I would love to get over this together, Max. Thank you for trusting me enough." as he said that, the dutchman hugged him thight. "I'm still in so much pain, please." he laughed. "Right, sorry." he smiled awkwardly.


Very short chapter, I'm planning on posting a longer one later this day, I don't know if I can, tho.

My mom's boyfriend YELLED at me because I wasn't studying for my exams bro stfu I have enough time😐😐

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