Hearts get broken

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Narrator's pov:

It was race week. Everyone at the paddock was getting ready for the Monaco GP.

Max and Charles decided to keep everything a secret, knowing that it would be better for both of them. They weren't officially together yet. They took it easy, with small steps. They set some rules, for example, they didn't talk more than necessary when they were in the paddock, or, every time they spent time together, they didn't post anything on social networks.

Everyone got to their place, as the race was about to start. Max was on P1 as always, Perez second and Sainz third. Charles was leaving from P5 with Hamilton in front of him.

When the race started, everything seemed to go perfectly. Max was leading, as always, followed by Perez and Leclerc. Around lap 25, Checo has lost 3 positions, making him P5. Surprisingly, Alonso caught up with them, being now P2, with the monegasque Leclerc behind.

As I said, everything seemed to go perfectly. Alonso lost control of his car and went crashing into Verstappen. Of course, Charles ignored it, thinking it was something harmless. Turns out, Max could no longer finish the race. He was furious.

When the race ended, Perez was P1, Alonso P2 and Leclerc P3, followed by Sainz and Hamilton in P4 and P5.

The monegasque planned to talk to him, when they would be far from mass media. Charles looked for his friend, but instead he met his brothers, Arthur and Lorenzo. His brothers smiled as they walked towards Charles. "Félicitations, petit frère ! P3 est un bon. (Congratulations, little brother! P3 is a good one.)" Lorenzo said hugging Charles. "Merci!" Charles replied, hugging him back. "Tu as bien fait, idiot. Je sais juste que je peux faire mieux. (You did well, idiot. I just know I can do better.)" Arthur insisted, with a 'i'm proud of myself' look. "You're so stupid. Look, guys, I'll love to talk but I really have to go." Charles remarked. "Before you go, are you coming home tonight, for dinner with our mom? She really misses us, besides, you haven't called or texted her in weeks." Lorenzo stated.

"Fuuck I was so caught up all week, I forgot." Charles mumbled, rubbing his neck. "If you talk to her until tonight, say I'm sorry! I love you, see you later." he hurried, running to change. When he got to the car and took out his phone, the first thing he did was to text Max.

I'm sorry about today
You deserved that podium
It was pretty fucked up
Are you okay?

His leg was shaking up and down, waiting for the dutchman's answer. He started the car and drove home. When he arrived, he threw his clothes on the bedroom floor, preparing for the shower. He decided to check his phone. No new messages. 'He's probably resting.' he thought.

The monegasque took a shower, enjoying the warm water flowing over his body. When he finished, he wiped himself with the towel, brushed his teeth and dried his hair. He went to the room and dressed in a pair of baggy jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. Because it was dinner with the family, he didn't have to dress to impress anyone. He checked himself one last time in the mirror, and then left the house, closing the door behind him.

He got into the car, but before leaving for Pascale, he checked his phone to see if the dutchman answered his message.

*message read 1 hour ago*

What the fuck?

Max's pov:

Fucking stupid race. Fucking Fernando Alonso. He came crashing into me and yet he still was able to race. I opened my phone.

I was at the paddock today
You disappeared after the race
Are you okay?
I wanted to talk to you today
If I knew you were going to disappear, I wouldn't have payed for the ticket
Text me when you can

I smiled at her messages. Maybe she did change. People can change, right?

*bing. bing*

I'm sorry about today
You deserved that podium
It was pretty fucked up
Are you okay?

I didn't have time for his shit. The same thing happened with HIM last race. I opened the messages but didn't answer them.

I went to the kitchen and poured some ice water into a glass. I am tired. Tired of everything and anything. I went back to my room and texted Kelly back. For the past days we've been talking non-stop.
Charles and I are not official, so it wasn't 'cheating' , right?

I was at the paddock today
You disappeared after the race
Are you okay?
I wanted to talk to you today
If I knew you were going to disappear, I wouldn't have payed for the ticket
Text me when you can

That sucks
I wanted to talk to you too

maybe we can change that tonight
can I come over?
I'll bring food

You're amazing

Sounds great
See you later, Maxy!

See ya, Kelly!

I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of jeans and a loose black t-shirt. It was half past six, so I had time to arrange the living room a bit. As we moved the pillows from here to there, my phone rang. I answered the call without looking at the name of the contact.

"Hello!" came Charles's voice on the other end of the line. Fucking hell man. "Hi, Charles!" I answered, trying to match his energy. "It's nice hearing your voice after not talking the whole day. What happened?" he answered with disappointment in his voice. Now I actually feel bad. "I'm sorry, I was just tired." I lied to him. I hate lying to him, that's why I ignored him, besides the fact that I was super pissed. "Are you ignoring me?" he asked softly. Oh man.
"No, Charlie, I-" that's when I heard a knock on the door. It seems like Charles heard it too. "Are you having guests tonight?" he spoke. "Y-yes. I'll have to call you later, bye!" I ended the call before he could have said anything else.

I hurried to open the door. "Long time no see." Kelly smiled. "You know it. Come in!" I moved from the door, letting her pass. "I brought food, just like I promised!" she chuckled.

I closed the door and turned to her. Her long black hair was tied in a ponytail, which highlighted her jawline. She was wearing a white cropped top, with mom jeans and a black zip up hoodie. I recognize that zip up without problems, it was mine. "You kept my hoodie, huh?" I asked her smiling. "Of course I did!" she stated. "Okay miss 'you're creepy' be happy that I didn't ask for it back." I joked.

A smile appeared on her face, but it wasn't that kind of smile. It was a sad one. "I miss you, Max. I miss us." she spoke softly.


I tried to make it as long as possible but I have to keep my ideas for the next parts!!

I hope you guys liked it, have a great day/night!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼

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