Take me back to the light

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Charles('s) pov:

It's been two weeks ever since Max said those words to me. Mon Dieu, they hurt so much. But after all, it was just a kiss, wasn't it?

I needed to take a break from all this thoughts, so I went for a run. Monaco is the best place to go out running. It's beautiful here. Even tho I can't be out for too long because my brother's coming over, I'll still enjoy my run and clear up my thoughts a little bit.

On my run, I found a cute little bridge which wasn't full of people at all. 'I need a break from all this running'. I sat down, the top of my shoes touching the water from under the bridge. In that moment, I didn't care what people thought about me.

I was enjoying my time alone, of course I did, but I couldn't help the 'what if's that were filling up my head. 'What if we didn't kiss? What if he wouldn't have said what he said? What if I didn't go to his house that night?' but the question that hurt the most was 'What if he was here with me right now?'

I got up shaking off the thoughts and started running back to my house because Arthur had to be there any moment now and I don't have any food for him to eat.

Max's pov:

'Wat is er verdomme aan de hand met jou, Max?' (what the hell is wrong with you,Max?) I could hear my dad yelling at me with his angry duth accent. 'Waarom let je niet op de praktijk? Wil je een verliezer of een wereldkampioen zijn?'
(Why don't you pay attention to the practice? Do you want to be a loser or a world champion?). I did one little mistake and now he acts like it's the end of the world. 'Ik heb veel aan mijn hoofd pap, het spijt me!' ( I've got a lot on my mind Dad, I'm sorry! ) I tried to answer as calm as possible so he wouldn't make such a big deal out of it.

"What is on your mind, huh? WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND PIECE OF SHIT. Je bent jong, je hoeft je nergens zorgen over te maken! Word verdomme volwassen.( You are young, you have nothing to worry about! Grow the fuck up. ) ' As soon as I opened my mouth to say something, he stormed off.

I had been training for the Singapore GP this week, and when I tried to take a break he started yelling out of nowhere. God this man is a piece of shit, but he's also my dad.

This two weeks were the worst weeks of my life. Everything that happened between me and Charles, all the arguments with my father, and all of those nights when I couldn't close my eyes.

I hopped in the shower and let the warm water travel on my body. He doesn't feel the same. To be honest, I don't even know what I feel. Maybe I don't like him, I'm just trying to get over Kelly.

Why does everything has to be so confusing all of a sudden? Everything was great and then it just wasn't. I don't know who to blame anymore.

I got off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist, making my way to the kitchen. I drank some water and then I went back to my room and dressed up in some comfy clothes. This place is such a mess, I have to take a free day and clean this up.

I put on my headphones and played my five hours playlist on spotify. When I pressed the shuffle button, the first song that came up was 'Back to the old house' by The Smiths. It's a great song, actually. I love The Smiths.

Charles('s) pov:

After I got back home I went straight to the kitchen and prepared something for my brother. I made him his favorite salad and some eggs next to it. I left the food on the kitchen counter and went to take a shower because I smelled so bad.

As the warm water was traveling on my body, a memory of papa came running through my mind. I miss him so much, he would have known what to tell me and help me get through whatever this phase is. When I was younger, right when I found out he was sick, my whole world went crashing down and Max was the only one who knew about it. Before my he passed, he told me something. That something will never leave my mind. I remember my dad saying "Charles, tu es la personne la plus adorable que j'aie jamais rencontrée et tu mérites d'être heureux avec quelqu'un qui te rend heureux. Toi et Max êtes les meilleurs amis et même si vous vous disputez pour la chose la plus stupide, cela ne veut pas dire qu'il vous déteste. Il est avec toi depuis que je suis malade. Prends soin de lui pour moi, veux-tu ? Il a du talent, mais aussi une enfance difficile. Je t'aime Charles, prends soin de toi mon amour. Je serai avec toi tous les jours, je ne te quitterai jamais. Je vous aime ! (Charles, you are the sweetest person I have ever met and you deserve to be happy with someone who makes you happy. You and Max are best friends and even if you fight over the stupidest thing, it doesn't mean he hates you. He's been with you since I got sick. Take care of him for me, will you? He has talent, but also had a rough childhood. I love you Charles, take care my love. I will be with you every day, I will never leave you. I love you !)"

His words stay rent free in my mind. I love you dad.

I hopped off the shower, got dressed up and went back to the kitchen to find my brother eating what I made for him. "Don't say a word, I already know. I'm the best cook in Monaco!" he chocked on his food and started slamming his hand againts the table. "You, the best cook? You can barely bake a cake." he said jokinly. I put my hand up to my ches in a dramatic way. "How dare you? I regret cooking for you. The next time you come here you have to cook your own food!" I said trying not to sound rude. He threw a bean in my direction. "Booo you whore!" he said laughing.

I sat at the table with him and we talked about the most stupid things we've ever heard. This is the best I've felt in ages.


This was chapter 2 guys!! I'm sorry if the translations are wrong, blame google translate not me!!

I hope you guys liked it because I kind of ran out of ideas. I'll try to update the book tomorrow!!

Have a nice day !!🫶🏼

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