Table of Contents

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I will be placing each fan fiction in order.

Here are the type of oneshots I will do:

❤️‍🩹Angst and Fluff❤️‍🩹
🌌AUs 🌌

I might consider doing these:


I will not be doing any listed below:

- Torture or extreme gore (I don't even know how to turn this topic into a love story of two characters💀)

*if i ever decide to write smut or lemon*-

-Rape/Non Consensual🚫

(All the above might be mentioned in stories but not in detail)

-Weird Fetishes🚫
(ex. Necrophilia, Coprophilia, Acrotomophilia, etc.)

Here is a list of my works:

Story 2:"❤️‍🩹Of all the Gods...❤️‍🩹" - Word Count: 1277
Feng Xin suddenly has a slight panic attack, and Mu Qing is there to comfort him.(#FengXinAbandonmentIssues😍)

Story 3:"❤️Will You Take Care of Me?❤️"- Word Count: 1977
Mu Qing overworked himself, so Feng Xin takes care of him.

Story 4:"🧚‍♂️❤️Unexpected Desire❤️🧚‍♂️" - Word Count: 2197
Feng Xin had to switch genders for a mission, and Mu Qing got possessive(sort of) of him(her😌).

Story 5:"❤️‍🩹Sunlight and Moonlight❤️‍🩹"- Word count: 1337
Mu Qing saw a nightmare and went to Feng Xin for some comfort.

Story 6:"🌌❤️Draw Out Your Beauty❤️🌌"- Word Count: 1582
Feng Xin accidentally drew Mu Qing while the other was playing sports.
(I will accept requests if anyone actually reads)

Story 7: "🌧Much Left Unsaid🌧" - Word Count: 4634
Feng Xin is at the verge of dying, and remembers all the memories with Mu Qing.

Story 8: ❤️‍🔥🌌❤️Our Honeymoon❤️🌌❤️‍🔥- Word Count: 1505
They had their wedding, went on a honeymoon, and have a little fun😉 anyways bottom Feng Xin warning.
(I didn't make a full sex scene so it won't be much)
(Also I have a feeling no one will keep reading my fics after this HAHAH)

Story 9: ❤️Opposites Attract❤️ -
Word Count: 806
Feng Xin represents the day, and Mu Qing represents the night. How do the two spend their time together?

Not a part of the oneshot: Just two sketches of female Mu Qing and Feng Xin.

Story 10: 🌌❤️Amateur Flirt❤️🌌 - Word Count: 3015
Mu Qing visits a new coffee place that opened near his university. However, whenever he visits, an unknown individual always flirts with them(or tries)

Story 11:❤️‍🔥Our First Time(More Like Yours)❤️‍🔥 -
Word Count: 3,722
Feng Xin was asked for sex advice by the person he expected the least to ask him.
Bottom Feng Xin btw
And sex ofc

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