6:🌌❤️Draw Out Your Beauty❤️🌌

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It takes a lot of effort and practise to become a skilled artist. Some people attempt and then give up. However, the results are generally worthwhile.

Feng Xin began drawing when he was just six years old. Rather than simply drawing a rectangle with a triangle on top, like most kids do, Feng Xin studied under a professional artist since his parents had always emphasised the importance of the arts in his life.

At that age, he had little interest in the arts. He actually prefers to practise archery or self-defense. Feng Xin simply complied because he had to express his gratitude to his parents, of course.

By the time he reached the age of 12, Feng Xin had won many awards for his "natural" talent in arts. His parents would show off to other adults of how successful their child is.

He had long since come to the realisation that his parents had never really loved him, well‐ as their child. They viewed Feng Xin solely as a trophy. If not for the wealthy kids who frequently showed interest in him because of his family name, he would not have anyone to spend time with most of the time, which caused him to spend his youth alone.

Feng Xin eventually developed a fondness for art since it allowed him to express his inner feelings. He received constant plaudits from the faculty and staff at school for his outstanding efforts. He was regarded as "the artist of the school." Despite how absurd it may sound, he felt.. kind of proud.

Reaching his teenage years, Feng Xin got enrolled into an expensive school where he was nominated as the head of the Arts Club, and it brought a lot of nuisance. He had to organise everything within the club, which put so many responsibilities on his shoulders.

And he is barely handling school work!

But being in the Arts Club gave one benefit for Feng Xin-

There was a huge glass wall that showed the gym. Students often found Feng Xin staring into the gym whenever they had a Sports class there.

Or rather, he was staring at someone.

A boy from his class, Mu Qing. He was not popular for his family reputation like almost everybody in their school, but for his amazing looks and personality.

Rumours said he got enrolled in this school due to his vast knowledge, but he lived in poverty. Which turned out to be true— Mu Qing was surprisingly not afraid to hide the truth.

Feng Xin is obsessed with honest people. He is very interested in Mu Qing. There was just one problem—

Mu Qing absolutely, 100%, hates Feng Xin.

Here is where Mu Qing's personality comes.

Mu Qing would always make fun of him in class for his everything.

He would always find flaws in Feng Xin's ways.

"Your voice is too loud. Control it."

"You are very filthy. Do you take one shower per year?"

"For a noble, you really lack the look of one."

At first, Feng Xin was trying not to look as affected and ignored him.

But over time, it became so unbearable that 90% of their conversations would end up being a fight. Feng Xin began treating Mu Qing the way he treated him.

"Are you really in sports club? Because you look like you just came out of a beauty salon."

"Do you steal all the scrolls to get your knowledge? I am sure you wouldn't be able to afford any."

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