10: 🌌❤️Amateur Flirt❤️🌌

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Bad Flirting(as the title says)
Mention of sexual assault (it doesn't really happen)

Opening the door, Mu Qing catches the ringing sound of bells. He took in the interior of the new coffee shop that opened near his university a few months ago. Cozy, he thought.

The colour palette followed a pattern of soft shades. The shop itself was not big on the inside.

Mu Qing got closer to the place where he assumed he needed to place his order. Speaking of the order, looking at the direction of the menu board, he searched for something. In the end, he went with a simple option for now.

"I'll have a large cappuccino with a cherry filled croissant." The counter server smiles sweetly. He didn't seem to be someone with ill intentions.

"Will that be all for you?"


"Alright. Will you be eating in?"

Mu Qing nodded as the server stated the price. Not expensive, considering the fact that the ads he had seen before mentioned this place only serving fresh products.

He was given his check with a number on it. The man told him to find a table with the same number on it, as his order will be served by a waiter.

"Thank you." He muttered while walking away, worrying that he hadn't said it loud enough before seeing the man widen his smile at him.

Spotting the table with the matching number, Mu Qing placed his stuff on a free seat, which was at the opposite of him.

Finally, when he himself settled down, he relaxed. Looking out the window, he observed the little garden of this cafe.

Being in university is not an easy part of life. Mu Qing hates coming back to an empty apartment, which was doing nothing but reminding him that he is on his own now. So he had been trying to find a place to spend his time at. Hence, explaining what he was doing here.

The cafe was not bad. Too dreamy and soft for his liking, but it will have to do.

He pulls out his laptop, prepared to finish his essay.


After a good twenty minutes, Mu Qing sees a waiter coming towards his table. By the waiter's look, he suspects that this is a family business.

"Here is your order, sir." She said with an innocent smile while placing down his food. Thanking her, Mu Qing reorganized his table. Cappuccino on the right, laptop being in the middle, and his croissant on his left.

Returning to what he was doing, he noticed that he was only halfway done through the rough draft of his essay. Not good, he thought.

He grabs his croissant, feeling its warmth and freshness, and brings it up to his lips. Smelling it, he remembered his childhood. Back when he was young and pure. Back when she was alive..

Holding on to that memory, Mu Qing bites the croissant. Soft, warm, and fluffy with the taste of cherries bursting onto his tongue.

Mu Qing found that he likes it.

Grabbing his Cappuccino, he drinks away the sweet taste. Though very delicious, Mu Qing couldn't handle too much sugar.

Putting the back to their places, he tries to go back to his work before catching the same waitress walking to his table.

Oh Gods, he has to socialize again, huh.

"Excuse me, good sir!" She said, looking shyly. Mu Qing hopes she is not anything like the girls from the high school he used to attend.

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