7:🌧Much Left Unsaid🌧

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Non Graphic- Death, blood and injuries.
Mentions of smut(Not shown/described)
And a bit of lemon(?)

"Dammit..!" He is able to take on many injuries. A stab? Easy. A broken bone? It's not a problem. Blood loss? Not the end of the world. Burn scars? He can tolerate it.

But not all at once.

This started off with Ling Wen assigning him a task to remove a ghost group from a single area. She said that the ghosts should not be a problem for him, as they are low ranked.

At that time, Feng Xin thought that, too.

He was walking out of her palace when he accidentally bumped into someone. "My apologi–" He almost bowed to them until he noticed who he bumped into. "Oh, it's just you."

The person rolled their eyes. "'Just me'. I see that General Ju Yang is not as respectful as everyone claims he is." They swung their long ponytail into Feng Xin's face and walked off.

"I certainly shouldn't be respectful to a low status maid." He scoffed. He started walking away before he was hit in the back.


Feng Xin fell to the ground as the person put their foot on the back of his head. "You should be respectful to those who ascend before you, though." They grabbed his bun and pulled their head up so Feng Xin's ear was in the same level as their mouth. "And if I hear you say those words again, I will make sure to hang your hidious head on my wall."

Feng Xin's head was smashed into the ground as the person walked off. He got up and muttered, "Whatever, General Xuan Zhen."

"You are doing it incorrectly! Just let the professional do it." Mu Qing and Feng Xin were writing Xie Lian a birthday letter. However, doing something with your rival can be pretty.. exhausting.

"You are overreacting..as usual.." Mu Qing glared at him. "It would not be fair only for you to be writing the letter! Let me at least write one word."

"I don't even think that THIS can be counted as a word." Mu Qing said confidently, pointing at the symbols Feng Xin drew.

Mu Qing was met a fist, punching his face. "Maybe instead of insulting me, you can try and show me what you defy as 'the right way'!"

Mu Qing growled, fixing his hair and grabbing Feng Xin's hand that held the pen aggressively, showing that he accepted the challenge. "My pleasure!"

He began moving Feng Xin's hand along the paper. He couldn't help but notice that Mu Qing was really focused on the challenge. "Should you not hold your pencil in an appropriate way, it won't be likely for your writing to perform its full potential." He placed the pen in a different way. "This is how you do it."

As he kept babbling about the techniques of calligraphy, Feng Xin's full attention was on Mu Qing's hand. And how cold they were. They weren't even warming up.

He wonders if he would ever be able to make them warm..

"There you go!" Mu Qing finally ceased his hand and grinned in satisfaction. Feng Xin looked at the writing that Mu Qing helped him with. It did look somewhat better."So what do you think?"

"It's.. fine. I guess."

"Just fine? Tsk."


"I wish I never agreed to this." Fu Yao scoffed.

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