8: ❤️‍🔥🌌❤️Our Honeymoon❤️🌌❤️‍🔥

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-Mention of sex (they even started a bit)

-Language(Bc Feng Xin obviously)

-And don't even bother reading if you are extremely not into submissive/bottom Feng Xin (IDGAF IF I SOUND CRINGE BUT LOOK AT HIS MOMMY MILKERS???? HOW COME HE GETS TO BE ONLY A DOMINANT TOP???)

And if you stayed ily and pls enjoy.💓 SPEADING SWITCH FENGQING 😍

The crowd went silent after the doors flew open. Everyone turned their attention to the source of the noise in surprise.

Mu Qing could only have a blank stare on the outside, when on the inside his heart was racing impossibly fast when finally hearing the noise he waited for almost, well, forever.

He watched as the 'bride' walked down the aisle. Next to the bride, holding their hand, was Xie Lian, who looked like he had been crying liters of tears.

The crowd awed at the sight. At last, the two who were known as 'forever rivals' were now able to accept their fate, which was desperately falling in love with each other.

Both people who walked the aisle exchanged hugs and a few words.

The bride had turned around to walk up the stairs, standing in front of Mu Qing. Both of their hands itching to be intertwined.

A few more whispers from the crowd later, and the whole room was silent once more.

The marriage officiator, Pei Ming, had stepped forward and began reading his speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Today, we all gathered today to unite two wonderful individuals together. Being able to find each other, they are ready to make a step forward and continue their relationship as husband and.. husband." He awkwardly coughed at his own wording.

Mu Qing could honestly care less of what Pei Ming had come up with in that speech of his. No, he would rather focus on the being in front of him.

Dark grey suit, with big flowers glued at some areas, showing off his beauty in a whole new way. And of course, the culprit of Mu Qing's impatience, the veil.

Mu Qing chuckled as he recalled an event occurring that had cause the lovely person in front of him to wear a veil.

Mu Qing picked the cue as Pei Ming finished his first part of the speech. Raising his hands in front of the bride's covered face, he grasped the veil.

Slowly lifted it up, just to spite his lover. As he finally got it off, Mu Qing was able to fully observe his soon to be husband's face.

Absolutely red, Mu Qing wondered how the white veil was able to cover the face, honestly. The man in front of him averted his gaze, looking away from Mu Qing and the crowd.

Being able to tell that Feng Xin was uncomfortable, he reached out to intertwine their hands and squeeze them as a sign of reassurance.

Feng Xin scoffed but softly smiled.

Pei Ming just threw the paper to the side, deciding not to prolong this. "Eh, whatever, no one listened anyways..The rings please!" Feng Xin just gave a half apologetic look, and Mu Qing was silently thanking any Gods above for making this over.

"Mu Qing, do you take Feng Xin to be your lawfully wedded husband and to give all your devotion and assistance to him?"

He let out a nervous sigh. This is going to happen, won't it? "I do."

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