9:❤️Opposites Attract❤️

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Feng Xin likes waking up in the morning.

Starting a new day with the sun emitting its lights onto him. To gain another chance at achieving his goals. He considers himself lucky enough to survive this far.

Opening his eyes slightly, Feng Xin was able to adjust to the brightness and slowly lift himself up from his sleeping position. He looked out of his bedroom window.

From here, he could observe the Heavens setting. He would be amazed, if not for the fact that he wakes up to that sight every day.

It's about time to wake up. He noted.

Feng Xin almost got up from the bed before hearing a light shuffle next to him. Momentarily, he turned his head toward the sound source.

Having the thick blanket surround him, Mu Qing looked unrecognizable. While remaining deep asleep, Mu Qing turns his body away from the light, pouting.


He will kill Feng Xin.

Carefully, the God of the Southeast moved closer to the other. Placing his hands on Mu Qing's shoulders, he tried to shake him awake. "A-Qing?"

When he got no response, he tried again. He whispered, "Honey?". Mu Qing attempted to shake those hands off of himself, groaning. At least he got some reaction.

Feng Xin sighs. This happens every morning that the martial gods spend together.

"We have to get up, sweetie.."

To show him that he is not willing to cooperate, Mu Qing brings more of the blanket to himself and hugs it tightly.

He tries another way. Feng Xin lifts the blanket and gets under it, feeling the warmth once again. He closes the distances between both of them, hugging Mu Qing from behind.

He runs his hands over the black haired man's body. From his shoulders, down till he reaches his waist. He hears a light gasp from the man, caused by Feng Xin's sudden action.

Placing his head on his shoulder, Feng Xin whispers into his ear, "I told you to stop staying up so late.."

He begins to caress Mu Qing's stomach with a slow and gentle pace. He mumbled something under his breath, which Feng Xin didn't quite catch. "What was that?" He asked but received no response.

"Do you need ten more minutes?" Nodding, Mu Qing pressed back into Feng Xin. The other sighs.

"I suppose we can afford that."


Mu Qing likes staying up at night.

With everything being so silent, having no one to disturb him. Sitting in his workplace and soundlessly doing his labour.

This is also the only time of the day where he could observe a peacefully sleeping Feng Xin.

That man can never stay up for too long, yet he insists on waiting for Mu Qing to lie down with him.

"I think both you and I know that you will fall asleep very soon."

"Not this time! Watch me!"

So now he watched Feng Xin sleep on the couch placed at the side of the room. Quietly, yet audibly snoring.

Has this fool even thought about going to bed instead of interrupting Mu Qing's work time? He got up from the desk and walked up to Feng Xin.

Kneeling down, he tried to shake the other awake. "Hey, Mr. Smartass, it's been two hours since you promised me you would wait." He shook him harder. "Go to bed."

And of course, things needed to get complicated by Feng Xin sleeping like a rock. There is not even a slightest reaction from him.

Mu Qing could poke him with his weapon.

But does he want to, honestly?

Feng Xin always does this. He always tries to wait for Mu Qing but fails. These days always end up with Mu Qing having to either beat him up awake or simply carry him to the bed. Depends on his mood.

He sat with his back facing the couch, thinking.


This man will be the death of him.

Mu Qing stood up and looked back at the mess on his desk. He would have to deal with this tomorrow, but for some reason, he didn't mind it as much.

Assuring that Feng Xin is still asleep, Mu Qing places his hands under the Martial God's knees and back, lifting him up.

As Mu Qing carried the other to his bedroom, he mumbled, "You planned this all out, you damn bastard."

And with that, both slept peacefully till morning.


Feng Xin and Mu Qing like evening.

That is the time of the day when they both spend the most time with each other.

While none of the two likes to admit it, they feel like if the other were to perish, they wouldn't know how to live further.

Even though they are always seen to be in a rivalry relationship, their lives wouldn't be as organized without the other.

Truly, opposites do attract.

Words: 806


Sorry that this fic is so short😭 I promise to write more and longer ones throughout summer.

(Mu Qinq is actually dead, and Feng Xin is hallucinating all this😄 Have fun sleeping with the information)

Just kidding

Or am I🤨

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